The United States destroyed a car bomb and there were 6 dead from a missile hitting a house


The United States carried out this Sunday in Kabul a “defensive” drone attack against a car bomb “Eliminate an imminent threat” from the Islamic State of Khorasan (IS-K) group against the airport, while a missile explosion killed six people -four boys- near the terminal.

“US forces carried out a defensive drone air strike against a vehicle in Kabul, which wiped out a imminent threat of ISIS at the international airport», Declared Bill Urban, spokesman for the central command, as reproduced by the press agencies AFP and Sputnik.

“We are checking for the possibility of civilian casualties,” he added.

Although it appeared that this action could be linked to the missile which fell almost simultaneously against a house near Kabul airport, killing six people, the link between the two events has yet to be officially confirmed.

A Fateh Taliban fighter, a unit of "Special forces", stands guard alongside other fighters in Kabul.  AFP photo

A Taliban fighter from Fateh, a “special forces” unit, stands guard alongside other fighters in Kabul. AFP photo

These episodes took place three days after a bloody attack at the airport in the Afghan capital, as Western countries continue to race against time to evacuate as many citizens as possible who wish to leave Afghanistan, dominated for two weeks by the Taliban militants.

The new explosion which killed 6 people was caused by “a rocket which hit a house in the 15th arrondissement of the capitalKabul police officer Qari Rashed said. It is an area close to the airport.

A witness told Xinhua News Agency, “The rocket hit Khwaja Bughra, a populated residential area in Police District 15, west of Hamid Karzai International Airport,” said the man identified as Ghulam Hazrat.

After Thursday’s double attack claimed by the group Islamic State of Khorasan (IS-K), which killed a hundred people, including 13 American soldiers, the president of this country, Joe Biden, had judged a new attack “very likely” before the withdrawal of his troops next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, France and the UK will plead at the UN on Monday to create in Kabul a protected area to carry out humanitarian operations, as announced by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Ahead of the meeting of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the two countries are preparing a draft resolution which “seeks to define, under the control of the UN, a ‘security zone’ in Kabul, allowing humanitarian operations to continue, ”Macron said in an interview with the newspaper Sunday Newspaper.

“This is very important. It would give the United Nations a framework for urgent action and, above all, allow everyone to assume their responsibilities and the international community to maintain pressure on the Taliban,” Macron added.

The Afghan evacuation operations, which began two weeks ago with the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, are coming to an end in three days. the complete withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan August 31st.

France, which ended its operations on Friday evening, began discussions with the Taliban to “protect” and transfer “the Afghans and Afghans” in danger beyond this date.

Paris is helping Qatar, which, thanks to its good relations with the Taliban, “can organize airlift operations or the reopening of certain air routes,” Macron said from Baghdad, where he attended a regional summit .

The president spoke of possible selective evacuations “which will not be done by the military airport of Kabul”.

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