The United States detailed how 55 million coronavirus vaccines will be distributed in Latin America, Africa and Asia


Joe Biden, President of the United States (Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)
Joe Biden, President of the United States (Photo: REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)

The United States on Monday presented a plan to share 55 million doses of coronavirus vaccines around the world, with around 75% of the doses allocated to Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa . through the COVAX international vaccine exchange program.

The plan fulfills President Joe Biden’s commitment to share 80 million vaccines made in the United States with countries around the world. The American head of state outlined his priorities for the first 25 million doses of that pledge earlier this month.

“As we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic at home and work to end the pandemic globally, President Biden has vowed that the United States will be a vaccine arsenal for the world. “the White House said in a statement.

Of the 55 million remaining doses, some 41 million will be distributed via COVAX, according to the United States government, some of which 14 million will go to Latin America and the Caribbean, about 16 million to Asia and about 10 million to Africa.

The remaining 25%, or some 14 million doses, would be distributed among “regional priorities”, such as Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Haiti, Iraq, Ukraine, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza. “For all of these doses, priority should be given to those most at risk, such as healthcare workers, based on national vaccination plans,” the White House noted.

More than 40 million vaccines will be delivered through the COVAX mechanism (Photo: REUTERS / Francis Kokoroko)
More than 40 million vaccines will be delivered through the COVAX mechanism (Photo: REUTERS / Francis Kokoroko)

Thanks to the COVAX program, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), Latin America and the Caribbean will receive approximately 14 million vaccines distributed among the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti and other countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Dominican Republic, Panama and Costa Rica.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki admitted on Monday that the government’s goal of sending these doses before July could not be met. “We have many doses to share with the world, but it’s a Herculean logistical challengeThe official said during his daily press conference.

Of the 80 million promised by Biden, 25 started shipping earlier this month, and there was still 55 million to be allocated, which will be distributed “as soon as possiblePsaki stressed, without proposing a precise schedule.

The 16 million doses for the Asian continent will be intended for India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Cambodia and the Pacific Islands.

In the case of Africa, the beneficiary countries of the nearly 10 million vaccines will be chosen in coordination with the The African Union, a regional body.

Vacunas from Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer-BioNTech (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / File Photo)
Vacunas from Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer-BioNTech (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / File Photo)

For their part, thanks to direct distribution, the beneficiary nations will be Colombia, Argentina, Haiti, other CARICOM countries, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Cape Verde, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Oman, West Bank and Gaza, Ukraine, Kosovo, Georgia, Moldova, Bosnia.

Shared vaccines are among those approved for internal use in the United States –those of Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson-, and in addition to 60 million additional doses that Washington already gave in May AstraZeneca, which has yet to receive the green light from US regulators.

In addition to these two important donations, Biden revealed at the G7 summit last week that United States had purchased 500 million additional vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech which will deliver to nearly 100 countries over the next two years.

(With information from Reuters and EFE)


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