The United States has assured that it will “sit alongside Juan Guaidó” at the negotiating table with the Nicolás Maduro regime


Juan González, Director for the Western Hemisphere of the United States National Security Council
Juan González, Director for the Western Hemisphere of the United States National Security Council

The Director for the Western Hemisphere of the United States Security Council, Juan González, believes that a negotiated and peaceful solution to the crisis in Venezuela is possible.

According to the official, the government of Joe Biden is ready to act if negotiations between the opposition and the Chavist dictatorship resume.

“We will act on the basis of hard facts, not words. If both parties sit at the table, make it clear that we are on the side of the table of the unit led by Juan Guaidó. It is on this side that we will be and we will act on the basis of any concrete act that leads to democratic steps so that Venezuelans are also those who determine their own future ”, González expressed in an interview conducted by Latin media Mega TV the United States.

He recalled that the policy of the United States is to organize and expand the consensus in favor of democracy in the country.

“The pressure of sanctions does not lead to regime change, but negotiations do. International pressure is something that has shown the possibility of achieving political change “he added.

United States reiterated support for opposition in Venezuela
United States reiterated support for opposition in Venezuela

González also spoke of the crisis unleashed on the island of Cuba since the weekend, after the protests against the dictatorship in this country which “They are a reaction to the failure of the Cuban regime.”

“The embargo is the subject of the United States Congress and that is not why the Cuban people are suffering. The suffering of the Cuban people is what we see: more than 150 people imprisoned, journalists, civilian activists, artists have been jailed just to demand more from their governments, ”he said.

The head of US policy in the hemisphere said the US is looking for ways to help the Cuban people regain their rights and freedom. This is why the US government he continues to activate the international community to put pressure on the dictatorship to respect the fundamental rights of the country’s citizens.

The United States advocates respect for human rights in Cuba (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The United States advocates respect for human rights in Cuba (PHOTO: REUTERS)

“The President (Biden) receives reports on a daily basis and this is something that the entire US government has focused on what’s going on. Our goal must be the Cuban people, as President Biden has said and their aspiration to determine their future, that unfortunately they have not been able to do so for 72 years, ”he commented.

“In Cuba we are in a communist dictatorship and they are using the threat from the United States as an excuse to oppress the people”, González said in a comparison of the situation that exists between Havana and Haiti where “the presence of the state does not exist. There are gangs involved in drug trafficking ”.

González said he visited Port-au-Prince last weekend to assess the options available and help the Haitian people reach elections “and political consensus.” this space is open to us, ”he said.


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