The United States has authorized certain transactions with p …


The United States authorized on Tuesday certain transactions with the government of Venezuela to operate with ports and airports in this South American country, marking a change in policy of the administration of Joe Biden compared to that of his predecessor Donald Trump.

The Treasury Department has issued the 30A license, which allows to deal with the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA) of Venezuela, or any entity owned by it, to allow ordinary port and airport operations, something banned in August 2019 by the Trump administration.

The new license However, it does not authorize any transactions or activities related to the export or re-export of diluents, key for Venezuela to process its heavy crude. as well as any transactions with persons or entities subject to sanctions by the United States government.

This is the first step by Biden, who took office on January 20, regarding the sanctions against Caracas established by Trump in order to pressure the departure of President Nicolás Maduro, whose government is unknown to Washington.

Mariano de Alba, a specialist in international law and international relations, told AFP that this shows a revisionist intention.

“The license is a first sign of the new American government’s desire to review the scope of the sanctions imposed in recent years and to clarify their scope, so that the trade and transport of people by international companies do. not is considered by their legal advisers to be excessively risky, ”he said.

The Trump administration increased economic sanctions against Caracas in January 2019, when Maduro assumed a second term until 2025. The battery of measures includes a de facto embargo on Venezuelan crude, crucial for the economy of the Latin American country.

Maduro, who severed relations with Washington two years ago, said he hoped to have “decent” channels of dialogue with Biden.


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