The United States has denied Nicolás Maduro’s accusations of a plot to assassinate him: “The grand plan is to achieve free and fair elections.


Nicolas maduro
Nicolas maduro

The Senior Director of the National Security Council for the Western Hemisphere, Juan González, responded this Saturday to the accusations of the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas maduro, about an alleged plan to assassinate him.

Negative. The big plan is to support the negotiations that lead to free and fair electionsThe official said on his Twitter account, while sharing the video in which the Chavist leader made his claims.

Tweet from Juan González
Tweet from Juan González

Dictator accused CIA and US Southern Command on Friday of planning his assassination, rhetorically wondering if his American counterpart, Joe biden, authorized them.

Did Joe Biden ratify Donald Trump’s orders to lead Venezuela into civil war and kill us? Yes or no? I askMaduro said in an act of military promotions, referring to visits by CIA Director William Burns and Southern Command chief Admiral Craig Faller to neighboring Colombia and Brazil.

“What did they do? Our sources in Colombia assure us (…) that They came to prepare a plan to destroy my life and the lives of important political and military leaders. (…) Did President Joe Biden authorize the plan to assassinate me and important political and military leaders in Venezuela? Yes or no?“He added.

Maduro, who did not present any evidence, frequently denounces coup plans, military invasions or assassinations, blaming the United States and regional allies like Colombia or Brazil, which ignored his re-election in 2018 by calling it fraudulent and symbolically recognizing opposition leader Juan Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela, although the president socialist retains power.

Nicolás Maduro once again denounced that they wanted to assassinate him

Maduro’s relationship with Trump was particularly strained.

The former US president imposed severe financial sanctions against Venezuela and the state-owned oil company PDVSA, while he even declared that “all options”, including the military, were on the table with regard to the Caribbean country.

The Chavist regime claimed to have frustrated in 2020 a maritime incursion “mercenaries from Colombia and supported by Washington” who sought to overthrow him. Two former US servicemen, Luke Alexander Denman and Airan Berry, were later arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison, charged among other things with crimes of terrorism.

While still not recognizing Maduro, Joe Biden’s administration has distanced itself from Trump’s line on the Venezuelan crisis.

The United States and the European Union said last Friday, in a joint statement with Canada, be ready to “review” the sanctions against the Caribbean country if there was progress in a government-opposition negotiation that would lead to “Credible, inclusive and transparent local, legislative and presidential elections”.

Venezuela will hold elections for governors and mayors in November. The main opposition parties did not say whether they would participate, after boycotting the 2018 presidential elections and the 2020 legislative elections.

Nicolas maduro
Nicolas maduro

This is not the first time Maduro has said they want to assassinate him

Friday’s It was not the first time in which the Venezuelan dictator claimed to want to assassinate him. In the past, he even referred to the fact that former President Hugo Chavez had been vaccinated against cancer. Over here in time, he shot former US President Donald Trump and Colombian head of state Iván Duque.

On September 1, Maduro denounced that Trump, then interim president, “approved“His murder with snipers, a plan for which, he said,”they try to move“To a group of shooters heading for the South American country.

Donald Trump approved to kill me, kill me, listen, I’m not exaggeratingMaduro said during a government law broadcast on state television VTV.

“They are trying to move a group of snipers or buy snipers in Venezuela to kill me, Donald Trump decided and activated him, he has no ethics,” added the president.

Before that, in July of last year, also aimed at Duque. “There are groups who want to kill me, who bring snipers to kill me, from Colombia,” Maduro said.

Snipers train there, Iván Duque, to kill me“Added the Venezuelan, before explaining that he attends public events, despite these threats, because he likes to travel the country”, hug people (and) feel the warmth of the people. “


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