The United States has threatened to send Maduro to Guantánamo if it does not accept the transition


"Yesterday I tweeted to wish you a long and peaceful retreat on a beautiful beach away from Venezuela," Bolton said."And the sooner you take advantage of this opportunity, the more likely you will be able to retreat quietly to a beautiful beach instead of being on another beach like Guantanamo Beach.", he added.

Bolton said Washington aims to achieve a "peaceful transition of power" in Venezuela, for which he favors sanctions and "political pressure." and rejected imminent military intervention by the United States, Brazil or Colombia in the Bolivarian country.

However, he admitted that President Trump maintains "all options on the table" put pressure on Maduro before the crisis in the Caribbean country.

On January 28, at a press conference, Bolton was photographed with a notebook in which he could read "5,000 soldiers in Colombia".

This has generated speculation about the alleged US intention to send military personnel to Colombia to attack neighboring Venezuela, to which the National Security Secretary responded with the same sentence as this Friday : "All options are on the table."


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