The United States has threatened to send Maduro to "Guantánamo" if it does not agree to a transition soon


John Bolton, National Security Advisor to US President Donald Trump, warned Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Friday can end up at "Guantánamo" (Cuba), where the US has a military prison for terrorism suspects, he does not leave power soon.

"Yesterday, I tweeted to wish you a long and peaceful retreat on a beautiful beach, far from Venezuela. the sooner you take advantage of this opportunity, the more likely you will be able to withdraw quietly on a beautiful beach instead of being in another beach like Guantanamo.Bolton said in a radio interview with conservative reporter Hugh Hewitt.

Bolton's warning came in response to a question put by Hewitt, who wanted to know if Maduro was risking a "bad pbad" like that of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini or the Romanian Nicolae Ceausescu, who was executed.

"Our goal is a peaceful transition of power. And that's why we imposed economic sanctions and increased political pressure around the world, "said Trump's adviser.

Bolton advised Maduro and his best advisors on Thursday that "enjoy the amnesty" it was proposed to offer politicians Chavez the President of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself acting president of Venezuela and has been recognized by the United States and other countries of Latin America.

Trump's adviser said in his tweet to Maduro "a long and quiet retreat, living in a beautiful beach somewhere far from Venezuela", and the White House ensured thereafter to be "open to having conversations" about "where I could land" the Venezuelan president if he decides to leave power.

Bolton's warning about Guantanamo comes four days after Councilor Trump caused a stir by appearing in front of the press last Monday with a notebook in which the sentence could be read. "5000 soldiers in Colombia".

Bolton did not want to give today details of the significance of this reference, as a former White House National Security Council official, Fernando Cutz, interprets as "psychological operation" possible put pressure on the Venezuelan military and get them to break with Maduro.

Trump's advisor nevertheless confirmed in his radio interview that the United States "It does not foresee any imminent military intervention" in Venezuela, either unilaterally or with the badistance of Colombia or Brazil.

John Bolton, Trump's controversial security advisor.
John Bolton, Trump's controversial security advisor.

Bolton also said that if Maduro left power, Venezuela's "oil infrastructure" could be repaired fairly quickly, which could be a major "source of income" to repair the country's "economic devastation."

Guaidó was proclaimed interim president of Venezuela on January 23, citing two articles of the Venezuelan Constitution and ruled illegitimate the inauguration of Maduro on January 10 following elections held last May and questioned by the community. international

The Trump government was the first to recognize Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela and, in response, Maduro broke off diplomatic relations with Washington.


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