The United States increased by 4.1% of GDP and strengthens the Trump program


Solid economic growth continues to drive the administration of Donald Trump, who manages to continue to avoid scandals and investigations surrounding the Republican. A euphoric Trump announced this morning in the White House gardens that in the second quarter the US economy experienced an explosive growth of 4.1% of GDP, a trend that the US economy does not not see for a long time.

This announcement adds to the three months of the most important legislative elections in recent years, which will determine to a certain extent whether the tycoon has a serious chance of being re-elected. Trump celebrated the figures with a spectacular press conference in which he also pointed out that unemployment figures have been historically low for months.

"We achieved an economic turnaround to historic proportions." When he came to power, 1.5 million Americans were working. than 8 years ago, "said Trump with Vice President Mike Pence.The president said that hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs had been recovered since he arrived at the White House.

" Once from more, we are the economic envy of the whole world, when I meet the leaders of other countries invariably, it is "Mr. President, what a pleasure to meet you, congratulations for your economy, you lead the world ", they say almost every time, the United States is again respected, they win again, because we finally get to the United States. "

Private investment in business went from 1.8% the year before I came to power to 9.4% this year – it means WORK, WORK, WORK!

Later, the president offered an unexpected telephone interview to commentator Sean Hannity.On the air, Trump said that they were able to halve the US trade deficit, "We could see growth of 3 or 4 points more." That is, a 9% growth this year, a much more aggressive figure than the one treated by the Fed.

The Media and badysts such as Bloomberg project that it is possible that a growth as dramatic as the second quarter of the year. Wall Street Journal explained that growth was largely due to exports and attributed more than a quarter of the 4.1 points to this item [19659002] Economist Ian Shepherdson, chief badyst of consultant Pantheon Macroeconomics, warns that second-quarter growth will be difficult to replicate in the near future. The reasons are that soybean exports climbed towards the end of June because of the fear of tariffs; Importers have been prepared and purchased in extraordinary quantities to avoid taxes that they already see coming.

Another possible reason for the unusual growth of the US economy is that consumers have spent the premiums they received in December. These are links that will never happen again. The figures suggest that companies have used savings from reductions not to increase the salaries of their employees, but to buy back shares and solidify their profits.

In any case, today's figures come at a critical time for Republicans, who will face mid-term elections in November that are already difficult for them to paint. . Even if the next quarter does not show growth of the same magnitude, Trump and his party can continue to brag about an administration with a strong and growing economy. It remains to be seen just to keep control of Congress

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