The United States is growing steadily and Trump promises even more


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The United States on Friday announced its largest quarterly growth in four years for the greatest pleasure President Donald Trump, who boasted of this "economic miracle" and promised a new expansion of the world's largest economy.

In the second quarter of the year, the% and this rate is the highest of all developed economies. This rate, which is the subject of two revisions, is the highest for a quarter since the last of 2014.

"We are on track to achieve the highest annual growth rate in 13 years ", said Trump at the White House. "Wherever you look, you see the effects of the American economic miracle," he said.

The acceleration of the second quarter is largely the result of economic stimulus measures and tax cuts introduced in December.

they pointed out that this could be a temporary result attributable to various temporary factors, including the exceptional trade recovery after Trump's confrontation with China.

The robust result meant that for the first half of the year annual growth was above 3%, surpbading the White House target and at a faster rate than in recent years.

Trump said that the United States is "the world's economic envy" and added, "We will increase more."

Consumer spending in April and June increased the most in four years, Americans buying more cars and spending more on health, housing, restaurants and hotels, according to the Department's report of Commerce

Purchases of goods increased by 5.9% boosted by car sales while service items increased by 3.1%.

But the result also has another engine that is unusual: Exports rose 13.3% thanks to higher sales of oil and soybeans that now face tariffs from China.

Analysts say the increase is the result of stocks formed by Chinese importers before Beijing applies retaliatory tariffs in July. to those of the United States. As a result, they expect these exports to fall in the third quarter and undermine GDP growth.

– Acceleration of the trade war? –

But Trump pointed to the rapid drop in the trade deficit as another success due to its rude trading practices.

"Perhaps one of the great victories of the report, and it's certainly that it's great, is that the trade deficit (…) has dropped more than 50 billion dollars, "said the president.

The report shows that imports increased only 0.5%; the lowest percentage in two and a half years.

The 1.4% increase in federal and state spending also contributed to growth.

The result was less than the growth forecast of 5% or more and Trump displayed his public appearances across the country.

The White House has a faster pace of growth to compensate for the lower income from the treasure generated by tax cuts in

However, revenues are already declining, resulting in an increase in budget deficit when the cost of credit becomes higher due to rising interest rates.

Ian Shepherdson, an badyst at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said that fluctuations in stocks and trade as well as mitigating the effects of tax reform may lead to third-quarter growth is of the order of 3%.

"So the message is that if you borrow enough money from your grandchildren and throw it into the economy, it will grow a little faster." 19659005 Diane Swonk, Grant Economist Thornton believes that growth should reach the target of 3% and warned that the sharp decline in inventories will tend to rebuild in the second half of the year.

"The question is how much businesses want to store with the threat of a trade war?" He wrote in a note to his customers

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