The United States keeps the pressure on Venezuela …


The United States continues to put pressure on the current occupant of the Miraflores Palace of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to ensure that the Caribbean country calls elections. This time, the officials responsible for the move were Vice President Mike Pence, who traveled to South Florida yesterday to meet a Venezuelan community, while Southern Command Chief Craig Faller said he was in charge. is on the Colombian border with Venezuela, he said. The routine Meanwhile, Colombian President Iván Duque and US Attorney General for the United States, Mathhew Whitaker, discussed the political situation in Venezuela. For his part, John Bolton, a national security adviser to President Donald Trump, warned Maduro that he could end up in Guantanamo when he does not agree to step down from the presidency.

"Venezuela's struggle is between democracy and dictatorship, and the time has come for the country to regain its freedom," Pence told the Jesus Cults Center in Doral, a city near Miami. At a meeting that brought together community leaders and former Venezuelan political prisoners, the vice president predicted: "I think the day is coming for Venezuela to be free and regain its freedom. " The vice began its speech by emphasizing its pride in saying that the United States was the first country to recognize Juan Guaidó, president of Venezuela's National Assembly (opposition) and self-proclaimed interim president of that country. After insisting that there existed in Venezuela a dictatorship led by Maduro, Pence rejected any possibility of dialogue and launched: "It is time to act, the time of the end of Maduro has arrived" . Without hiding the place occupied by northern power by ignoring Maduro's new mandate, Pence reaffirmed that the United States would continue to press for a peaceful transition of command.

During the meeting, the Vice President paid tribute to the courage of Guaidó and his family in the face of the intimidation he denounced to the Venezuelan regime. In particular, he illustrated the recent visit of the police to Guaidó's house in order to interrogate his partner, which the Venezuelan police denied immediately. "There is hope of suffering and we promise you that we are with you and we will be there until the country is free and there is a peaceful transition," Pence promised. Caribbean people in Miami. In this context, he also warned Cuba that the United States would not remain pbadive in what they described as malignant influence in countries such as Venezuela or Nicaragua, and said: "It is time to release Venezuela from Cuba, Long live Cuba free. "Before Pence, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced to those present that he would create a government proclamation expressing the rejection of the Maduro regime and the demand for freedom and freedom. of democracy in Venezuela.

Meanwhile, Trump's national security adviser has ruled out that the United States and Colombia are planning a military intervention in Venezuela. After the press published a photo of Bolton with a "5,000 soldiers in Colombia" record, the security advisor said that the United States was working on a peaceful transition. However, leaving a margin of doubt, Bolton said that Trump had all the options on the table. "Our goal is a peaceful transition of power, which is why we have imposed economic sanctions and increased political pressure around the world," Trump's advisor said in a radio interview. Bolton expressed confidence that the protests demanded today by Guaidó convince the military and the Venezuelan people to end the Maduro government.

For his part, Colombian leader Iván Duque yesterday met in Bogota with the Attorney General in the United States to review the measures taken by the Lima group to deal with the Venezuelan crisis. "We discussed the strengthening of judicial cooperation, examined the objectives of the fight against transnational crime and examined the actions undertaken within the framework of the Lima group to support the return of democracy in Venezuela," said Duque on Twitter after the meeting. Colombian Foreign Ministers Carlos Holmes Trujillo attended the meeting. Defense, Guillermo Botero, and Justice, Gloria Borrero, as well as the US Ambbadador. in Bogota, Kevin Whitaker. The Lima group, composed of 14 countries that consider the constitutional order in Venezuela is broken, will meet Monday in Ottawa (Canada) to address the crisis in the country. With the exception of Mexico, the other 13 countries of the Lima group demonstrated in the same direction as Colombia, and on January 23 they expressed their support for the self-proclaimed interim president, Guaidó.

Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela voiced opposing opposition to that of Colombia and the United States. He called for a peaceful solution to the conflict and deplored the interference of the international community in Venezuela's internal affairs. In the same way, British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has distanced himself from the position taken by the United Kingdom. A similar act was committed by the Italian government which, in the voice of the Italian undersecretary for foreign affairs, Manlio Di Stefano, declared that he did not know the proclamation of Guaidó. "This is called the principle of non-intervention and is registered at the United Nations," said Di Stefano.


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