The United States launched an airstrike on Isis-K after the Kabul bombings


In this sense, it is the first launch from outside the country by the US military after the suicide bombing last Thursday at the airport in the capital, Kabul.

According to senior health officials from the previous Afghan administration, the death toll is more than 100, including 13 US soldiers. Meanwhile, some media are talking about more than 170 dead.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, declared before the operation punishment claimed by the Islamic State of Khorasan (IS-K), the arm of this group in Pakistan and Afghanistan, that retaliation would be promised: “We are going to hunt them down and make them pay.”

John Kirby, spokesman for the US Department of Defense, warned Friday that the risk of attacks persists: “We still believe that there are specific and credible threats.”

Meanwhile, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said another attack was “likely” and that the next few days will be “the most dangerous time yet.”

Yesterday, on the eve of the attack, the American embassy in Kabul urged its citizens to leave “immediately” the vicinity of the airfield. “Due to threats to the security of Kabul airport, we continue to advise US citizens to avoid going to the airport and to avoid the airport gates,” the embassy said. .

For now, August 31 is set as the deadline for completing the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan after 20 years of war, which will also mark the end of evacuations.

The Taliban, through their spokesperson Bilal Karimi, claimed to control “three important sites in the military part of the airport” in Kabul. Shortly after, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby denied that the Taliban was “in charge of any of the gates” or “any of the airport operations”.

Currently, around 5,400 people are waiting to board a plane, according to US General Hank Taylor, specifying that the evacuations will continue “until the last moment”.

While more than 109,000 people have been evacuated since August 14, the day before the Taliban entered, NATO and the European Union have called for the rescues to continue despite the attack.

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