The United States leaves at the intersection of Maduro and blames Cuba and Russia for the blackout in Venezuela – 03/11/2019


US Chief of Diplomacy Mike Pompeo harshly criticized Cuba and Russia on Monday for supporting Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, whom Washington is seeking to remove from power as a "dictator."

The secretary of state rejected Maduro's badertion that the United States would be responsible for the blackout that devastated Venezuela four days ago, emphasizing instead the "socialist" character of the Venezuelan President's Government.

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"Nicolás Maduro promised the Venezuelans a better life and a socialist paradise, he fulfilled the role of socialism, which has again and again proved to be a recipe for economic ruin," said Pompeo.

"The part of paradise, not so much," he added.

Photo of March 7, 2019, showing pedestrians in a dark street as a result of a power outage in Caracas (Venezuela). / EFE / RAYNER PEÑA /

Photo of March 7, 2019, showing pedestrians in a dark street as a result of a power outage in Caracas (Venezuela). / EFE / RAYNER PEÑA /

Although he has not announced any new measures against Maduro or in favor of parliamentary leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by the United States and more than 50 countries, Pompeo stressed the " Central role that Cuba and Russia have played and continue to play to undermine the democratic dreams of the Venezuelan people and their well-being. "

"Cuba is the real imperialist power in Venezuela," said Pompeo, denouncing "physical protection and other political and material support for Maduro and his entourage".

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"When there is no electricity, thank the wonders of modern engineering led by Cuba," he said.

"When there is no water, thank the excellent hydrologists of Cuba (…) when there is no food, thank the Cuban Communist gentlemen", he adds.

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Pompeo questioned Moscow, saying that "Russia has also created this crisis", including supplying arms to Venezuela.

"We still want things to go faster" in Venezuela, said the secretary of state, while considering that there would be a change.

"I am very sure that the trend is towards the Venezuelan people and will continue to do so," he said.

Source: AFP


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