The United States rejects Brazil's entry into the OECD area and supports that of Argentina


The United States Government rejected Brazil's proposal to join the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) and supported the membership offers of Argentina and Romania.

As reported by the Bloomberg agency, a letter sent August 28 by the US Secretary of State. Michael Pompeoto the Secretary-General OECD(Mexico) Angel Gurría (Washington) prefers the expansion of this selective selection of countries "at a measured pace", marking a change after months of public support from senior officials, including Donald Trump.

"The United States continues to prefer enlargement at a measured pace that takes into account the need to lobby for governance and succession planning," the letter said.

A senior US official, who asked not to be identified, said that "the United States supports the extension of the OECD measure and the possible invitation to Brazil, but encourage the Argentina and Romania, in view of the economic reform efforts and the commitment of these countries to the liberalization of markets ".

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The letter contradicts the public position that the President had Donald Trump Last March, when he had supported the entry of Brazil into the group of 36 members at a press conference with the president Jair Bolsonaro on the occasion of his official visit to Washington. In addition, in July, the Secretary of Commerce of USA., Wilbur Ross reiterated Washington's support to Brazil during a visit to Sao Paulo.

The OECD, created in 1961, says on its website that its goal is "to define policies that promote prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all". Joining the group has recently been a sign of honor for countries seeking to show the international community that their country has prospered economically. Brazil has submitted its application for membership to the OECD in may 2017.

J.D. / C.P.


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