The United States warns Maduro that he could end up in Guantanamo prison


The US National Security Adviser, John Bolton, warned President Nicolás Maduro that if he did not accept the democratic transition in Venezuela and voluntarily withdrew, he would end up in the Naval Base prison of Guantanamo, where there are about 55 accused persons. Islamist terrorism. However, he ensured that a military option to promote change in Venezuela is not "imminent", just one day before Chavistas and anti-Chavists do measure up their forces on the streets again. Bolton, who wrote Thursday on his Twitter account that he wished Maduro "a long and peaceful retreat on a beautiful beach away from Venezuela," insisted yesterday with the objective: "In Maduro, I wish you a long and Quiet Retreat The sooner you take advantage of this opportunity, the more likely you will be able to retreat quietly to a beautiful beach instead of being in another beach like Guantanamo. "

Although Bolton has ruled out an imminent military intervention by the United States, via Brazil or Colombia, he has renewed the idea that President Donald Trump retains "all options on the table" to put pressure on Maduro on the crisis in the United States. this Caribbean country. The official advised Maduro and his senior advisers to "take advantage of the amnesty" proposed by the acting president appointed by the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), Juan Guaidó, and said that the White House was "open to discussions". where could the "Venezuelan president" land when he decides to leave power? "I'm not sure anyone in Venezuela can guarantee Maduro's security" in case he stays in the country after leaving power, Bolton said.

Then Vice President Mike Pence joined the dam, after meeting with representatives of the Venezuelan community in South Florida, claiming that the struggle in this South American country is "between democracy and dictatorship" and believed that it was time for Venezuela to "regain freedom".


The situation in Washington was not only discursive: the Treasury Department announced that non-US companies that buy Venezuelan oil through the US financial system or agents from that country have until April 28 to end their purchases. This note is a direct result of the sanctions imposed on Washington by the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA, which de facto lead to an embargo on oil exports to the United States.

At the same time, Maduro called on the army to "expand its capabilities in preventive intelligence against terrorism, against the coup d'etat", as part of what he saw as a historic battle against the greatest aggression his country faced. Again in front of the army, virtually permanent for a week, Maduro warned that "the American empire, the former colonial powers of Europe and a handful of oligarchic governments, entreguistas, are trying to put the hand on the political power and wealth of Venezuela. "

The president also urged the armed forces to reject the amnesty voted by the AN for the troops defending the Constitution, because, he said, they are not criminals. In the background, the audience sang "always faithful, never betrayal".

Steps and counter-steps

For today, another complex day is expected, as Chavistas and antichavistas will win the streets again, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Hugo Chávez 's arrival. The United Socialist Party in Venezuela (PSUV), in power, will move its entire structure to fulfill the functions of "revolutionaries", in the words of the party leader, Diosdado Cabello, the central avenue of Caracas "to commemorate the achievement of the first 20 years of the Bolivarian Revolution ". Moreover, anti-Semitism will also be mobilized today, in five points of Caracas and in several cities of the country. "We must all go down the streets of Venezuela and the world with a clear goal: to accompany the ultimatum given by the members of the European Union, we will make the biggest march of Venezuela and the world. history of our continent, "predicted Guaidó.


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