The United States will increase its trade pressure on China


The Government of President Donald Trump prepares tariffs on others $ 200 billion in Chinese products ranging from anti-theft alarms to mackerel, according to a list of products published by Office of the United States Trade Representative .

The list contains more than 6,031 product lines and offers them a tariff of 10% . The measure would intensify the trade war between the two largest economies in the world.

The agency will hear public comments and hold hearings on the plan from August 20 to 23 and make a decision after August 31, said a senior official who spoke with journalists on condition of anonymity

Last Friday, United States imposed duties of 25% to 34,000 million dollars on Chinese products and Beijing responded by taxing an equivalent amount of US products.

The Federal Government stated that the new privileges are a response to China's decision to retaliate against the first US tariff cycle.

President Trump threatened to tax up to $ 550 billion on Chinese products, an amount that exceeds the total of Chinese products exported to United States last year.

Washington accuses China of using abusive practices to overcome the technological dominance of the United States . These practices include cyber-theft, as well as the demand for US companies to provide technology as a condition of access to the Chinese market.

The first list of US tariffs focused on the Chinese industrial products to try to limit the impact on the country's consumers. By expanding the list, the government is starting to affect the products that families buy, including things like lamps and fish sticks.

"Tariffs at $ 200,000 million in Chinese products equivalent to another multi-million dollar tax for US businesses and families," Scott Lincicome Solicitor commercial and senior badyst of the group of The Republicans fight the customs duties (The Republicans fight the tariffs).

"Given the likelihood of Chinese retaliation, they also represent billions of new tariffs for US exporters."

Members of Congreso question the President's aggressive trade policies and warn that import tariffs are raising prices for consumers and exposing US farmers and producers to retaliation l & # 39; abroad.

"The announcement seems reckless and is not a specific approach," Orrin Hatch Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee said in a statement.

"We can not turn a blind eye to China's mercantilist trading practices, but this measure falls short of a strategy that gives the government an advantage in negotiations with ] China while maintaining the health and long-term prosperity of the US economy . "

" Enjoy being a member of The WTO

The United States accused China of having benefited from being a member state of World Organization of Trade (WTO) to not dismantle its policies "incompatible with the system of international trade" and, instead, become one of its major players.

This at the same time as "He maintains his mercantilist approach to state-led trade and investment to the detriment of USA and other members of the WTO, of its industries and its workers, "said the US ambbadador.

Trump insists: his NATO allies must put more money

The president of United States, Donald Trump increases pressure on its NATO allies which he urged at a tense summit in Brussels to double its commitment to national military spending and reach 4% GDP.

This objective seems very far for the moment, especially when only eight of 29 NATO countries reach the target set in Wales in 2014 to approach a 2% of the PBI national military spending in a decade, and none reached 4%.

"In his speech at the NATO summit, he suggested that countries not only respect their commitment to allocate 1 2% of your GDP for defense spending, but the increase to 4%, "said White House spokesman Sarah Sanders.

The head of the United States, whose military budget amounts to 3.5% of GDP and whose direct contributions to the NATO budget represent 22% of the total, " wants allies to share the burden and at least fulfill their obligations ",

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