The United States will test a new missile technology


United States He plans to test a new missile technology that allegedly violated a treaty with Russia that expired on Friday, senior government officials said.

President Donald Trump announced in 2018 the withdrawal of USA of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) after accusing Russia of developing and deploying a weapon violating the covenant. USA It officially suspended its participation in February, starting a countdown of six months until the end of the treaty.

The US withdrawal is official as of Friday, said the US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, who added in a statement that Russia had a long history of flaws and "is solely responsible for the end of the treaty"Russia's violation of the INF treaty poses"significant risks"for the security of the States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which" will respond in a measured and responsible manner, "according to a statement released Friday.

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The Russian president, Vladimir PoutineHe rejected the accusation and withdrew his country from the treaty last month in retaliation for the US decision. "Russia has prepared a response to the US withdrawal," he said Friday. Vladimir Shamanov, chairman of the defense committee of the lower house of Parliament, reported the press service Interfax.

US officials said the Kremlin had already deployed weapons in western Russia capable of attacking targets in any part of Western Europe, bypbading the treaty. They added that Russia had ignored several warnings about its violation of the pact.

In comparison, USA There are only years left before having a deployable missile at medium range and only plans to test a non-nuclear conventional weapon, said officials.

"We will see what happensTrump responded to reporters Thursday after being questioned about the expiration of the treaty.I will say that Russia would like to do something about a nuclear treaty and that it is good for me".


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