The unpublished video of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, relaxed and smoking in a train station – 26/02/2019


Jealous of his image and his private life, the head of North Korea, Kim Jong-unthis time he could not dodge the cameras. In fact, he did not even know that they were around him.

Kim was filmed by a cameraman of the Japanese TV channel Tbs a few hours before arriving in Vietnam. a new summit with US President Donald Trump.

The scene, recorded at sunrise at the Nanning Railway Station in China, showed it at one o'clock distension, something messy and smoking a cigarette.

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Renowned smoker, Kim was accompanied, among other things, by one of her sisters, who followed him with a glbad ashtray so that the North Korean ruler would toss her ashes.

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On Wednesday, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump will hold a second historic summit in Vietnam looking for concrete measures to dismantle the country's nuclear program. Pyongyang and improve their relationships.

The first summit between Kim and Trump took place last June in Singapore. DPA

The first summit between Kim and Trump took place last June in Singapore. DPA

The leaders will meet for two days in Hanoiafter Singapore's historic summit last June, which produced only a vague declaration on the denuclearization of North Korea.

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Ten hours after Kim's arrival in Hanoi, Trump arrived, although he did not do it by train, but in Air Force One.


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