The unrest in the British crown: a qu …


An old English legend says that if the Tower of London crows left the area, it would portend the end of the British monarchy.

Alarm lights have been on as to the future of the House of Windsor, no longer because the Queen thinks she is abdicating in favor of the republic, but because one of the crows has disappeared and it is feared that he is dead. This was reported by the tower authorities.

It is a female specimen, known as Merlina, described as having an independent character. He hasn’t been to the Thames Fortress in weeks.

On its website, the Tower defined his absence as “really disturbing news” as it is a sign “that he may be dead”. Legend has it that if the crows left the area, the old monarchy could succumb.

The tower is a castle erected by William the Conqueror in 1078 and was used as a prison. It also housed an arsenal and the Royal Mint.

Its political value was so important that to besiege it (as occurred several times throughout history) it meant having control of the UK. Today it is one of Britain’s top tourist attractions and the Crown Jewels are preserved here.

A 17th-century royal decree, attributed to King Charles II, stipulates that there must be six crows at all times. To do this, some feathers are cut from the wings of the animals, and there are also one or two substitutes.

The institution defined Merlina as the “queen of crows”. From time to time he would run away and come back. The other ravens in the tower are Poppy, Erin, Jubilee, Rocky, Harris, Gripp, and Georgie.

“We have seven crows in the Tower of London, six by Royal Decree and of course I have one more as a replacement so at the moment everything is in order,” goalkeeper Chris Skaife told the BBC , to bring peace of mind to the monarchists.


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