The unusual act of Kirchnerism to announce a vaccination plan without vaccines in retirement homes


Confirmed: the vaccination plan against Covid-19 seems to have “owners” in Argentina. They are among the main leaders aligned with Vice President Cristina Fernández.

On Saturday, during an extraordinary event, the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kiciloff, met at a retirement home in Temperley; its Minister of Health, Daniel Gollán; the vice-minister of the region, Nicolas kreplak; the holder of the PAMI, the social work of retirees, Luana Volnovich; the head of the Legislative Assembly of Buenos Aires, Federico Otermin; the leader of the ruling bloc of K district legislators, Luciano Tignanelli; and the leader of the K deputies’ bloc of the National Congress, Máximo Kirchner.

They advertised, saw and propagated because a handful of vacunas Sputnik V to elders of unknown age. They are politicians and not scientists. They described the moment as an epic of the fundamental characteristics of the Argentine Republic. “It’s a historic day”, they celebrated.

The vaccinated were a 96 year old lady, the first retiree in the country to receive the vaccine, and 84 additional people in the “Asturias” pavilion of this care center for the elderly. In fact, they received the first dose of a vaccine that is in short supply and will be. Peronist epic. For now, Sputnik V not enough not even vaccinate some of the risk groups identified by the government of Buenos Aires. Even less in the rest of the country.

A fraction of the politicians of the ruling party, in the midst of a pandemic, announced and attended the vaccination of a first dose without knowing why they were present on this site. From what has been seen in the images broadcast by official channels, they appear to have taken charge of the protocols at an institution where Covid-19 could spread to elderly people at risk.

The Peronist group did not hint at what will happen to the rest of the elderly living in this nursing home who were not vaccinated. Have you not been as lucky as your colleagues because they are receiving medical treatments that would get worse if Sputnik V gets into their bodies? Or simply because vaccines they did not reach?

Daniel Gollán, Martín Insaurralde, Axel Kicillof, Luana Volnovich, Máximo Kirchner and other officials of the Spanish hospital “Hogar Elías Romero”.

Daniel Gollán, Martín Insaurralde, Axel Kicillof, Luana Volnovich, Máximo Kirchner and other officials of the Spanish hospital “Hogar Elías Romero”.

There were no announcements or details on the expected arrival date of the million doses of vaccine that those same officials promised they would already be used in that first month of 2021.

The message conveyed in the press releases was also inaccurate from a health point of view, or could lead to confusion or empty hopes among a population awaiting help from the state to create antibodies against Covid-19 .

National deputy Máximo Kirchner explained that “the vaccine means that many people who were in a stage of their life of rest can begin to see their families”. And he added: “It is important that many neighbors register, and also help those who do not have the tools to do so, on the Province page to plan and put in place the best possible logistics for the vaccination.”

Whether a group of elderly men or women give themselves a single dose of Sputnik V, of course, is relevant, but according to medical specialists, the inoculation In any case, they are therefore immune to the coronavirus. They should wait for the application of the second dose and wait a little longer to generate the antibodies that allow it to be protected from Covid-19.

Scientific caution has given way to a swift announcement of a final policy relief.

Kirchner’s words calling on the population to sign up to receive vaccines that are not yet available (although they will be in a few weeks but without knowing in what quantity) are also confirmation of the state’s inability to organize a vaccination plan, at least in Buenos Aires, if they are not the ones who register to be vaccinated. The state, according to the request of the national deputy, would be ineffective if it had to coordinate total vaccination with its employees qualified for these purposes.

At the “historic” event in Lomas de Zamora, the head of pensioner social work, Volnovich, also spoke, who used concepts similar to that of the head of La Cámpora. “This is a very important day because we are starting to vaccinate in geriatric residences the citizens who had to make the most efforts during the pandemic. We will do this in a phased manner, aware that each person vaccinated can see his family again and come out of sadness and loneliness, which are very bad for the health of the elderly. “

Volnovich represents all PAMI retirees. Not just those who reside in retirement homes. ¿Vaccines will begin to be applied at these residence centers across the country? When? How? ‘Or’ What?

These officials’ take on those living in nursing homes during a pandemic is self-explanatory: the state is not helping them alleviate their sadness or psychological problems. They will only have the vaccine to face these possible difficulties.

If the lack of contact of the prisoners with whom they have a family is essential to improve their days, it is also true that the professionals who work in the retirement homes make an effort so that those who live there feel as much in company as possible. .

According to Insaurralde, the president-led vaccination epic will have a second stage when it comes to the elderly. Respect the full vaccination of the inhabitants of Hogar Elías, in your district.

The question is when to get vaccinated in the rest of the two thousand nursing homes in Buenos Aires. And in the rest of the country?

A striking fact: Deputy Health Minister Kreplak and Kiciloff have already received two doses of Sputnik V, supplementing safe immunity against Covid. They are young leaders. Lomas de Zamora’s elderly woman who began the immunization odyssey in Buenos Aires, with equipment, staff and planning paid for by taxpayers, is still at objective risk of contracting the virus. But a first dose is an important step, without a doubt.

In the UK, to give dozens of example, the first woman in the world to receive the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is a 90-year-old woman who was also the protagonist of a lived story with international impact. Although there is obvious coordination from the English government, there were no politicians present.

Her name is Margaret Keenan.

After being vaccinated, in front of the cameras, she said she felt “privileged”.

The vaccine was administered by a nurse of Filipino descent named Parsons.

This happened on December 8 of last year.

The next day, 50 hospitals in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland started vaccinating people over 80 and workers in the healthcare and nursing homes there. . Keenan you have already received your second dose of the vaccine.

Just a month after this jewelry employee’s inoculation in Eniskillen, Ireland, the Queen of England, Isabell II, and his wife, the Duke of Edinburgh, were vaccinated.

By this time of year, a million of his subjects had already been vaccinated.

No epic. And without class privileges.

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