The unusual argument with which Bolsonaro defended the army who shouted "by mistake" a musician with 80 strokes


After wanting to celebrate in the barracks the anniversary of the coup of military state in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro came out to defend the troops riddled with 80 gunshots a musician after "confusing" his car with that of a delinquent.

Always ready to show his military pride, the President has tried to explain that in this case, you can not talk about "murder". "The army did not kill anyone, the army belongs to the people. We can not accuse people of murder, "he said.

After this first comment, the excapitan and the right-wing leader added: "There was an incident, a death, we mourn death an honest and hardworking worker. "

In baderting that the army can not be charged with murder, Bolsonaro said that "the case is under investigation. (…) The army investigates with rigor, does not put garbage under the carpet ".

The murder

A patrol of The army killed Evaldo Rosa dos Santos, 46, after shooting 80 times against the car in which he was traveling with his family. Two others were injured.

The argument of the nine military detainees is that they confused the car of a family with a group of criminals.

The military justice is responsible for the investigation under a decree signed by former President Michel Temer during the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro, under which the armed forces must not not be subject to civil justice for alleged abuses or violations of the law. human rights.

The Supreme Military Court Release denied Friday to nine detainees for the attack in the district of Guadalupe, in Rio de Janeiro. Among the people involved, there is a lieutenant, a sergeant and seven soldiers.


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