The unusual case of a woman who went to the doctor for an eye infection: she had four bees – 10/04/2019


A woman from Taiwan, identified as "he" for 20 years, suffered a lot from one eye and did not stop tearing herself up. He thought it was an infection, which is why he went to Fooyin University Hospital in Pingtung to have it checked. When they told him the reason, he could not believe it.

The ophthalmologist discovered using a microscope that under his eyelid the small legs of a displaced bee. What at first seemed to be one ended up being four and they fed on tears.

The bees nestled in the eye measure between 4 and 10 millimeters long (Twitter).

The bees nestled in the eye measure between 4 and 10 millimeters long (Twitter).

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"She could not close her eyes completely, I looked at the microscope and saw something black that looked like an insect leg," said Dr. Hong Chi Ting at the BBC. And he continued: "I grabbed my leg and very slowly, I took out one, and then I saw one, then another, they were still intact and they were all in life."

In this regard, he stated that they had never seen a similar case before. The insects that were nested in the patient's eyes were a kind of halitidos, called "sweat bees" because they are attracted to perspiration, which they feed on. They measure between 4 and 10 millimeters long and they are spread all over the world.

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As to how that happened, he said that he was visiting and cleaning a parent's grave when he started losing some of his vision. "I was squatting, I was doing weeding, I felt the wind blowing and something fell in my eyes, but I thought it was sand, I wiped my eyes with it. Water, but it started to hurt a lot, an acute pain, with a lot of rips, "he said.

According to The Guardian, the young woman was saved because she never rubbed her eyes. She has already been discharged and the doctors have confidence in her full recovery. As for the bees, according to Hong's statements, they survived the intervention and were sent to a research center.



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