The unusual mistake in a campaign to promote the vaccine against Covid in Brazil


A campaign encouraging Brazilians to be vaccinated against the coronavirus became the butt of ridicule on the internet when some observed that a man was shown. with the mask upside down. The discussion transcended social media, to the point that the government in Rio de Janeiro went apologize.

Entitled “Rio kisses the vaccine,” the state government ad shows a healthcare worker in a white coat who appears to be smiling under an FFP2 mask, whose metal clip – intended to fit over the nose – can be seen under his chin.

“The mask in this ad appears to be … upside down ???? This is serious“Tweeted Jandira Feghali, congressman and doctor, and one of the first to comment on the mistake made in a campaign which, in fact, seeks to protect the population from the virus.

The campaign in Rio de Janeiro to promote vaccination against the coronavirus, with the image of a man wearing the protective mask upside down.  Photo: Jandira Feghali's Twitter account

The campaign in Rio de Janeiro to promote vaccination against the coronavirus, with the image of a man wearing the protective mask upside down. Photo: Jandira Feghali’s Twitter account

“I think the photo of the inverted mask is perfect! So representative … everything is really upside down here in Rio de Janeiro, ”joked another Twitter user.

“Rio de Janeiro has never been successful in controlling the pandemic, and this upside-down mask shows its recklessness is a constant,” said another.

The scandal made state authorities recognize the error.

“Thank you for reporting it. Communication professionals from the Rio de Janeiro State Ministry of Health and Public Relations Office we apologize for not having noticed this mistake in the use of the mask in the campaign, ”the state health ministry said on Twitter.

The institution told AFP that it had already removed the advertisements in question and that it would proceed with “a second phase” of the campaign from Tuesday.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll more than 39,000 lives in the state of Rio, one of the most affected in Brazil.

Acting Governor Claudio Castro has been criticized for refusing to abide by measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus, as has his ally President Jair Bolsonaro.

The state government faces allegations of mismanagement of the health crisis, and several former officials, including former Governor Wilson Witzel, have reportedly embezzled funds to fight the pandemic.

Brazil has recorded more than 350,000 deaths from covid-19, just behind the United States, and is battling a wave of cases that is plaguing its hospitals, as the government tries to ensure enough vaccines for the 212 million ‘inhabitants of the country.

Source: AFP



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