The unusual request of a French school to parents: “Do not throw the children through the fence”


The image that the school broadcast so that parents do not "launch" their children on the fence.  (Photo: Twitter / LPAvignon)

The image that the school broadcast so that parents do not “throw” their children over the fence. (Photo: Twitter / LPAvignon)

You don’t need a license to be a parent, but if they got a license, like a driver’s license, many would have a hard time renewing it. Also, when giving advice to parents, we wouldn’t think that basic things like Feeding them, bathing them or “not throwing them like a basketball” is necessary. But there are exceptions.

But if in Argentina we complain about the scourge of double parking, in other countries there are quite unusual problems.

In France, the Trillades school, in the city of Avignon (the same city of bridges!*) closes at 8:30 a.m.. The bell is ringing and although there are people about to arrive, that’s okay: the input is activated until this moment. What are parents doing to ensure their children don’t miss school – or be late for work? THROW THEM ON THE GRILL (Sorry for the capital letters but we found the bold letters insufficient).

Let’s repeat it to make it clear, because we made a lot of great notes but this one goes straight to “TREMENDING OF THE YEAR”: Parents throw children over a two-meter fence!

Are there a parent or two who are in a bit of a rush to do this? No, it has become such a common practice that the school has put up a beautiful sign that says “Don’t Throw Children Over The Door” and a graphic that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Nor to the blind movement of boys and girls.

Of course, our journalism is objective so we will also put ourselves in the shoes of the parents. “What do I do with the kid if the school closes for me and they don’t let me throw over the fence like he’s a sack of bad money?”

There is a much more humane and less dangerous solution for creatures: “When you are late, come back at 10:00 am or 3:00 pm”, brought back from school.

The director of the education center, Sanna Meziane, said teachers no longer knew what to do to avoid this irresponsible behavior. “Parents who arrive after the bell rings literally throw their children away,” he commented in statements to The temperature.

The measure of the closing of the doors after the bell as well as to respect the punctuality of the rest of the people It’s a regulation, at national level, to apply increased security measures in the educational centers of the country, in particular after the last terrorist attacks they suffered in France.

* On the Avignon bridge (or Avignon)

It is a French song from the 15th century that refers to the medieval Saint-Benézet bridge, which spanned the Rhône. An animated version, on YouTube, has over six million views.

Here are the lyrics.

On the bridge of Avignon,

Everyone is dancing, everyone is dancing

On the bridge of Avignon,

They all dance and so do I.

They’re doing it,

So the dancers,

They’re doing it,

That’s the way I like it.

They’re doing it

The cookers,

They’re doing it

The seamstresses,


They’re doing it,

So the shoemakers,

They’re doing it,

That’s the way I like it.


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