The unusual teaching method to prevent students from copying themselves during exams | Chronic


A teacher from a school in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala applied a measure strongly criticized by the parents of his students: during an examination, students put themselves a cardboard box on their head to prevent copying.

After the viralization of the images, the parents of the students published a statement in which they denounced "acts of humiliation, humiliation, physical and psychological violence", Made by Luis Juarez Texis, professor of courses on ethics and values ​​at the College of Singles 01 el Sabinal Tlaxcala.

"It is so that Luis Juárez Texis receives, treats and humiliates the students", is contained in the text, by which they asked the authorities to "to ensure the rights of young people".

The teacher has placed cardboard boxes so that they are not copied.

In the same sense, they claimed that "act immediately with the referral" of the teacher and "do not neglect this type of violence". For this reason, they begged the federal and state authorities to suspend "to this public officer" who exercises "This type of humiliation in a learning space".

In the midst of criticism, school officials have explained that it was one of a kind "school dynamics derived from school guidance activities" and that his goal was to "generate the development of psychomotor senses" students.

In addition, they emphasized that "This was not the application of an evaluation, but a fun activity", Which included the "consent of the student". Finally, they badured that the school "He respects human rights and individual rights."


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