The unusual theory of Alfredo Leuco on justice and the presidency of Alberto Fernández


The official journalist Alfredo Leuco He exhibited an elaborate theory that will have as protagonist the candidate to the presidency of the United States, Alberto Fernandez and Justice.

After the judge Claudio Bonadio grant freedom to the entrepreneur Christopher LopezLeuco came out with the tips and said "now they are all going to jail."

In this sense, in his editorial, the ultra-macro pilot declared that if he wins the October elections, "The undeniable goal of Cristina (Kirchner) and her group is that Alberto occupies the place of Macri, while Bonadio occupies the place of Lázaro Báez in the prison of Ezeiza, Pichetto instead of Cristóbal and Lanata or Daniel Santoro instead of general, violator of human rights and illegally enriched, Caesar Milani ".

He called this personal assumption "Plan Revenge" and said that it would include "People on the streets celebrate the release of the corrupt to receive them as if they were revolutionary heroes," referring to the voters of the Front of All.

"To achieve this, they are studying all the alternatives, namely the constitutional reform that reduces the judiciary to a justice service, placing all judges in committee and dismissing those who have been encouraged to investigate the K and to fulfill the K judges courts, Comodoro Py and the Supreme Court of Justice, to take charge of the Judicial Council to support this process of rewards for friendly magistrates and punishment for enemies; selective pardons, general amnesty, special laws of revision extraordinary supplement to the retirement of judges ", assured.

In addition, depending on your reading will be placed "in the anti-corruption bureau and financial information unit of Christian activists who stop promoting investigations as plaintiffs of the main causes", something that has not happened in the previous government, but in the present with Laura Alonso in the head.

"They still have not found a solution for the convicts," he said.


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