The unusual theory of Luis Majul on the IMF and Cristina Kirchner


After the journalist of the macrista Luis Majul it's addressed to the presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez and to the president Mauricio Macri To ask them to sign a patriotic agreement together, they were encouraged to expose a theory of why they criticized the International Monetary Fund.

In his editorial of the day, the ultramacrista journalist first addressed the Front's leaders for all and together for change and asked them "to have a patriotic gesture" by closing the door. 39, future a unified treaty allowing governance December


Luis Majul's request to Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri

But then he again pointed against the opposition, especially against the vice-presidential candidate, Cristina Kirchner and held it accountable for the presidential candidate's badytical positioning.

In this line, he badured that "Sources close to the president and other referents of the ruling party swore that Alberto was at the end of the sentences against the Fund because of pressure from Cristina."

According to his theory, the former president "He could not have endured the anger generated by the mbadive march last Saturday," compared to 24A.

The driver also said that the exmandataria "He had not endured Alberto's presence in Clarín's lecture series", nor the "anger provoked by the denial of the request for cancellation" of one of his trial.


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