The US-China tension has pushed up the dollar which touched the 46 pesos


Gustavo Quintana, badyst of PR Corredores de Cambio, explained that "at the wheel clearly had an impact of international nervousness resulting from trade negotiations between the United States and China" and that "the North American currency was working so with many ups and downs and marked volatility but with a moderate adjustment compared to the previous closing. "

President Donald Trump has again strained talks with China today, when the United States first published a billion dollar loss on the Twitter network with Beijing and pledged to protect the country from the world's worst. economy of their country. "Sorry, but we will not go on doing this!" He said on this social network.

At the same time, Christian Buteler, a financial badyst, explained that the international context is affecting the local currency, which "as well as all dollar prices have gone from a higher price to a lower price, according to the currencies. of the region".

On the monetary side, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) validated a reduction of Leliq rates by 23 basis points, an average of 73.530% for a total amount of $ 217,215 million.


The consultants predict inflation of 40% and a dollar to 51 pesos

Essential prices, without all products


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