The US Embassy he evoked the controversial tweet published against Cristina | Chronic


The United States Embbady in Argentina said on Monday "categorical rejection" to the message "Lost Cristina ", published on her Twitter account and which, after staying online for a few minutes, was removed and attributed to third parties, in an incident investigated by the bureau. "in depth".

"On March 11, 2019, a brief and vague message was tweeted to the Twitter account of the US Embbady in Argentina, and the message seemed to refer to a personality and to Argentina's domestic politics.", the Embbady reported in a statement.

This is the communique issued by the consulate.

This communication followed a message posted on the @E EmbajadaEEUUarg account, managed on the social network by the US office, which indicated: "We removed a tweet from our account that we had not posted, we still do not know how it happened, but we are investigating."

The deleted message, released at 11:16, said "Cristina lost" and it was an apparent allusion to the result of the governor elections in the province of Neuquen, in which Ramón Rioseco, the candidate supported by the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lost against the current president, Omar Gutiérrez.

From the diplomatic office, they stressed that "Anyone following the embbady on social networks, used exclusively to celebrate the long and strong friendship between the United States and Argentina, would have immediately recognized the falsity of the message."

"We immediately erased the tweet and categorically rejected its content.We will thoroughly investigate this incident and strengthen our security measures on our social media accounts", they said.

We remove a tweet from our account that we do not publish. We do not know yet how it happened, but we are investigating.

– Embbady USAUUArg (@EmbajadaEEUUarg)
March 11, 2019


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