The US intelligence agency that predicted the coronavirus in 2017 gave a grim forecast for the next few years


the National Government Intelligence Council of the United States was the body that in 2017 predicted the possibility of the world ending in a pandemic situation like the one it is now experiencing with the extension of the coronavirus.

Now, in a March report composed of 144 pages, suggests that what the planet experiences over the next 20 years will not be better.

the Global Trends Report it is published every four years and the one that just came out is the seventh edition.

Its main findings are that the coronavirus pandemic has deepened the Economic inequality, depleted resources government and relaunched the nationalistic feelings.

Climate change will cause problems at all levels.

Climate change will cause problems at all levels.

But your forecasts, made until 2040, they say that over the next 20 years, the growth of the world’s population will slow down, resulting in an older world; climate change will worsen; international relations will become “chaotic and volatile”; and hunger will increase, according to the English Daily Mail.

Prediction of the pandemic in 2017

When the document was last published, the possibility of a global pandemic in the early 2020s, which would lead to a “reduction in travel to stop its spread”.

The paper largely focuses on the impact of the pandemic, calling it “the most significant and unique global disruption since WWII, with health, economic, political and security implications that will continue in the years to come. “

Food insecurity, another forecast in the report.

Food insecurity, another forecast in the report.

“Covid-19 has shaken long-held assumptions about resilience and adaptation and created uncertainties about the economy, governance, geopolitics and technology, ”the report says.

The document finds cause for concern in virtually every aspect of life. He warns, for example, that the effects of climate change are likely to exacerbate the problem of food and water insecurity in poor countries and accelerate global migration.

He also states that it will be difficult to maintain progress in health and education because of the “Headwinds” of the pandemic, population aging and “potentially slower global economic growth”.

The acceleration of global migration is also mentioned in the report.

The acceleration of global migration is also mentioned in the report.

“Advances in technology have the potential to solve problems such as climate change and diseasebut they can also cause new tensions, ”says the report.

“State and non-state rivals will compete for leadership and dominance in science and technology with potential risks and cascading implications for economic, military and social security, ”the report said.

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