The US Senate begins second trial …


From Washington, DC.Three weeks ago, Donald Trump ceased to be the President of the United States, but for Washington remains a central character. This Tuesday, the Senate of the North American country started debating the second indictment against the former president, whom the House of Representatives accuses of having incited the insurrection of January 6 against the Capitol. With 56 votes to 46, the upper house ruled the process constitutional and is preparing to start hearing arguments from both sides as early as Wednesday.

On the morning of January 6, Trump left the White House and addressed a ceremony his supporters had prepared for him in the park outside the headquarters of the US executive. From the scene, he told them that they had to fight for what they wanted, which for them at the time was “to stop the theft” of the elections. The following scenes rocked the world: After those words, the crowd stormed into Congress, where the two cameras were set to certify Joe Biden’s triumph. For the Democratic Party, the tycoon has instigated an insurgency against American democracy and must be tried for it.

“What we went through that day, what our country went through that day, is the worst nightmare of those who wrote the constitution come true,” the congressman said on Tuesday. Joe neguse, a Democrat who represents the state of Colorado and is one of those leading the impeachment prosecutions.

Trump is not just the first president in American history to face two political trials. He is also the first to be tried after his term ends. In your defense, this is unconstitutional. For this reason, the Senate began to address this issue through a debate on the constitutionality of the process.

At the start of the session, the Democratic congressional team leading the impeachment showed a video with footage from January 6: a fragment of Trump’s speech in which he insists he won the election, another in which he assures his supporters that he will march with them to Congress. He does not have. After his speech, he returned to the White House, but in reaction to this proposal, some of the event attendees shouted “let’s take the Capitol.” It was also in the opening video of the indictment. And then the violence. Crowd shock with almost nonexistent security. Interruption of the session of the two chambers. The shouts with orders to “break” the doors of the enclosure. Evacuation. Shots.

“That day, people died. There were police officers who ended up with head and brain injuries. There are people whose eyes have been hurt. A policeman had a heart attack. A policeman lost three fingers that day. Two committed suicide, ”said Congressman Jamie raskin, another member of the accusing team. “This cannot be the future of the United States,” he added.

The Democrats’ goal was to appeal to the horror of the memory of the attack. Instead, Trump’s defense demanded that emotion not guide Congress’ response. “The response is natural. It’s an immediate thing that comes to you without you being able to stop it, the desire for revenge, ”he said. Bruce beaver, one of the former president’s lawyers.

In a messy speech, the lawyer hinted that this indictment was unnecessary. For him, the ultimate goal Democrats pursue with this process is to prevent Trump from being able to run again as a presidential candidate. “The reason I have a problem with the argument is that the American people just spoke up and they just changed the administration,” he said. For Castor, the system works, people are “smart enough” to “elect a new government if they don’t like the old one”. “And he just did,” he stressed, although this is precisely what Trump does not recognize.

The main reason put forward by Trump’s legal team for considering this process unconstitutional is the drafting of the constitution. “A president can be dismissed because he can be dismissed”said another defender of the tycoon. According to his logic, in this case, the former president has already left office and, therefore, this mechanism does not correspond.

With Trump out of the presidency, Democrats are focused on one of the two possibilities offered by impeachment. The objective is not impeachment, but the vote which would come after a possible conviction, the prohibition to the former president to resume public functions.

In the defense of the tycoon, this also flies in the face of the constitution, which says that impeachment serves to remove a president and (only “and”) disqualify him if he wants to run again. Without the first option, the second cannot be given, Trump’s lawyers have argued.

After these interventions, the Senate finally voted to decide whether or not to consider this process as constitutional. The 50 favorable Democratic votes were joined by six Republicans, one more than expected.. In a previous session, the House was divided 55-45 when it debated support for impeachment.

The sessions will continue on Wednesday. For two days, the House of Representatives team and Trump’s defense will be able to present their various arguments. There will also be room for questions from the Senate. The upper house can also debate whether to call witnesses or the need for more documents, in case the members of Congress accusing them so request. Finally the closures will arrive on each side.

Senate set to decide next Sunday whether or not to condemn Trump. Current figures indicate that he will acquit him again: it takes two-thirds of the votes to convict him. That is to say 67 senators who consider that he incited the insurrection. The most optimistic number for Democrats so far is 56.

According to the American media, Trump followed this first day from home in the state of Florida, where he has resided since leaving the White House. Far from social networks, has not communicated any official reaction before the interventions of his team in defense.


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