The US Supreme Court authorized Donald Trump to build the wall with Mexico


The Conservative majority body failed 5 to 4 to block the decision of a California federal judge preventing the Republican president from using this money on the grounds that Congress had not authorized that sum specifically for the wall, project to which Democrats and Democrats The Mexican government is opposed.

"Great victory on the wall." The US Supreme Court has revoked the measure of a smaller court, allowing the wall of the southern border to advance. A great victory for border security and the rule of law!Trump tweeted a few minutes after the court decision.

To integrate

Whoa! Big VICTORY on the wall. The United States Supreme Court rescinds the injunction of a lower court and authorizes the continuation of the southern border. Big WIN for border security and the rule of law!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2019

Trump has declared a national emergency this year to bypbad Congress and get funding for his wall project, after a dispute with the Democratic party, by majority in the lower house, has caused the closure of the longest administration of the history of the United States. .

About 20 states, human rights groups and border communities have reported in court that the emergency declaration violates the Constitution.

The court ruling will allow temporary access to the Trump administration of some $ 2.5 billion for the wall. But the opponents of this project are not willing to give up the fight against its construction.

US-Mexico Wall

Trump will inspect eight options to build the wall with Mexico

Trump will inspect eight options to build the wall with Mexico


The ACLU, the powerful organization of civil liberties, announced Friday that it would form an appeal to a court of appealrestore the permanent blockade of the construction of a border wall using unauthorized military funds".

"The people on the border, the environment and the separation of powers in our Constitution would be permanently affected if Trump managed to go ahead with the looting of military funds for a xenophobic wall that Congress had rejected, "said Dror Ladin, lawyer. of the ACLU.


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