The USA donates 25 million vaccines: Argentina is among the countries that receive them – economic, financial and economic news


Argentina to receive vaccine donation from Joe Biden government, as confirmed today by the White House.

Although the exact number is not known, The country will be part of the list of Latin American and Caribbean nations to which a batch of 6 million doses, out of a total of 25 million that the United States is distributing first: in total, they plan to send 80 million doses worldwide until the end of June.

The list includes Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, other countries of the Caribbean community and the Dominican Republic.

According to the cit CBS News to the White House, 25 million doses will include COVID-19 vaccines from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna, but not AstraZeneca, which is still under review by the Food and Drug Administration.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, stressed that his government does not trade vaccines for favors.

He asserted that the United States receives requests “from all over the world” and explained what were the factors that influenced the decision on how to distribute the vaccines: Achieve global coverage, respond to peak infections and help with as many doses as possible.

75% of the 25 million, that is to say 19 million of these doses will be distributed via COVAX, whose objective is to help countries at higher risk.

Of the 19 million doses that will be distributed via COVAX, six million will go to Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Around seven million doses will be shipped to Asia: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Pope New Guinea, Taiwan and the Pacific Islands.

And those five million doses will go to Africa, coordinated by the African Union.


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