The use of a tie can affect the brain |


For many, ties are a symbol of elegance. However, there are also those who have proved against its use, until now for aesthetic, social and cultural reasons. But apparently, there are also health reasons to do it.

According to German researchers, wearing a tight knot can reduce blood flow to the brain. This conclusion came after an experiment with healthy men, half of whom were asked to wear ties, and the rest not.

From MRI, they found that members of the first group received 7.5% less blood in the brain. Although this percentage is not large enough to cause long-term brain problems, it may affect the momentary cognitive function.

On the other hand, in 2003, it had already been shown that wearing tight ties increased the pressure on the balloons. ocular, which is one of the leading causes of glaucoma. The authors of the study concluded that their prolonged use over time could increase the risk of suffering from vision problems, according to the BBC

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