the use of installed capacity fell


In May, Argentine factories experienced a higher level of idleness in the same month of last year. The activity also decreased compared to April

After the exchange rate stress that prompted the IMF's call for help and accelerated inflation, the recessive scenario began to be realized.

The first symptoms of this new reality are already visible in Industrial Production: the use of the installed capacity in the industry recorded last May an average of 65.1 %, or 2.5% less than in April, INDEC reported on Thursday.

The indicator of the use of installed capacities in the industry also recorded in May a level lower than the same month of the previous year when he recorded an average of 65.8%.

Production of inputs for the construction aluminum, steel tobacco and refining of oil support the indicator, showing the l 39; automotive industry textile and ] metalworking with the greatest leisure with an average less than 60% in the use of its capabilities.

In May, the installed capacity utilization was 2.5% lower than April last, when it recorded an average of 67.6% which had been the highest of the year.

The industrial sectors which presented last May a utilization rate of their installed capacity higher than the general level were the basic metallurgical industries (steel and aluminum) with 82% and products of tobacco with 79.5%.

It was followed by petroleum refining with an average utilization of 77.5%; produced for building 72.9%; paper and cardboard, 70.5%; and substances and chemicals 65.6%.

The area blocks that were located last May under of the general average of the industry were the production of rubber and plastic with registration of 62.4%, edition and printing with 62.1% and products food and beverages with 61.5%.

For its part, the sectors that were located in almost half of its productive capacity were textile industry with an average of 59.9% the production of ] cars with a 55, 2% and metalworking with 54.9% .

The basic metallurgical industries exhibited the highest level of utilization, exceeding the May level of last year by 75.2%, driven by the activity steel which required products for the construction industry and the automotive industry.
The production of cars, although it showed a low use of the record of last May, was higher than the same month of the previous year when the average reached 54,5%.

Deceleration and Employment
" the industry loses ground as a whole The activity in June and July is generally very stable compared to the month of May, we are s & # 39; 39, therefore expects to fall from one year to almost 1%, "says Guillermo Bermudez chief economist FIEL.

"The industry is not going to have the same growth rate as in the first quarter, the cumulative will enter a deceleration trajectory ," he added. FIEL has shown an annual inter-annual industry expansion of 4.3% during the first four months of the year, but expects the first half to end at around 2.4%. The year, they estimate, could close slightly positive

On the other hand, Faust Spotorno director of the consulting firm Orlando Ferreres & Asociados, warns: "We are entering a process recessive The industry could finish the year positively, but as the first few months have been good, the industrial activity will depend a lot on what is happening in 19459006 in Brazil, where there are a lot

Meanwhile, La Unión Industrial Argentina ( UIA ) published the results of its own investigations which indicate that, from the beginning of 2015 until the end of April of this year, 71,200 jobs were lost to the industry .

The figure represents an average of more than 2,400 jobs per month .

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