The use of the health pass is extended in Europe: it comes into force in Italy and France will require it until November 15


Bars, restaurants, trains, planes.  In Europe, the use of the health passport is widespread for most daily activities.
Bars, restaurants, trains, planes. In Europe, the use of the health passport is widespread for most daily activities.

All that remained was to publish the legal details of the request. Regulatory requirements being met, Italy and France are implementing in Europe the obligation of a health pass to enter public places and establish, in certain groups of workers, the obligation of the vaccine against covid-19.

In France, in the Official Journal of Friday August 6, the day after its validation, in large part, by the Constitutional Council, the law is applicable “until November 15, 2021 inclusive”.

This health pass is already valid from July 21 in certain places of leisure and culture. Corn From Monday, it will be extended to cafes, restaurants, planes, trains, buses for long journeys, trade shows, seminars and trade shows.

With the support of the constitutional control body, in addition to the measures, notices of mobilizations rejecting the restrictions have arrived. The device is contested by the French anti-pass or anti-vaccination, which launched new calls to demonstrate this weekend. On July 31, more than 200,000 people marched in various cities in France, according to the Interior Ministry.

The extension of this “permit”, contested by the Constitutional Council, was again the subject of a video published by the president Emmanuel Macron on social networks. Posted on Instagram this Thursday, the head of state He once again defended the use of the instrument which prioritizes the vaccinated people.

The court chose to respond to a comment on the deprivation of freedoms that would result, for some, from this new measure: “The medical pass is an unprecedented deprivation of my freedom and it is unbearable.”

However, in an expected decision, the judges validated the implementation of the pass in restaurants and cafeterias but also in nursing homes and hospitals, the most controversial measure.

To explain this controversial point, the government allows some flexibility. This is how Olivier Véran, the French Minister of Health, argued: “No one will be deprived of care without a pass. We want to put it in place to make sure that in a hospital when there are sick or vulnerable people, the virus will not be introduced. “

On another side, magistrates have removed from the law the compulsory isolation of people with coronavirus, considered disproportionate, as well as the early termination of a fixed-term employment contract or workers on open-ended contracts without a vaccination record if your business requires it.

Italy adds professors and university students

On Thursday, the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, made the health passport compulsory for teachers and university students, as well as for users of public transport, including domestic flights, ferries and long-distance train lines. The decision also includes customers of restaurants and bars.

The “Green Pass”, an extension of the European Union’s Covid digital certificate in force since early July, It will be compulsory from this Friday to enter cinemas, museums and sports halls, or even eat inside the hotel..

Mario Draghi's government decided that university professors and students must have a health passport to return to class.  In schools, the measure reaches teachers.
Mario Draghi’s government decided that university professors and students must have a health passport to return to class. In schools, the measure reaches teachers.

The digital certificate, as in France, will be used by its bearer and holder demonstrate that you have received the full immunization schedule, that you have recovered from having had a Covid-19 infection in the past six months, or that you have tested negative in the past 48 hours for a coronavirus test.

In a harshly questioned process, the prime minister also decided that school and university staff, as well as students, should have a health pass. Teachers without a health card for five consecutive days will be suspended and their salaries frozen, according to the provisions of government authorities.

But to complete the decree are the 15 pages of the school plan prepared by the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi. The provision reaffirms the rule of social distancing and wearing a mask. He also specifies that underage students will have no restrictions for the health pass.

UK and Germany on the list

The British authorities, to increase the vaccination rate, ask young people not to “miss the good times”, stressing that for this they must agree to receive their two injections of Covid 19.

The government of Boris Johnson, through Health Secretary Sajid Javid, has advanced a “vaccine passport” which will be introduced in nightclubs and other places Busy in English autumn.

For this reason, the main publicity campaign on public roads and on social media will focus on the freedoms that vaccines allow, from nightclubs to travel abroad.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Michael Kappeler / Pool via REUTERS)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Michael Kappeler / Pool via REUTERS)

Germany, which this week began vaccinating vulnerable audiences against the corona virus for the third time, he hopes to differentiate between people inoculated on time and not. The appeals of the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, to citizens who have not yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus are increasingly urgent.

“Vaccination is a patriotic act,” the CDU politician wrote on Twitter on Thursday. “You are not only protecting yourself, you are protecting us as a society.”

The government of Angela Merkel, which initially rejected any provision making the vaccine mandatory, He believes that in September, even after the election that defines his succession, he plans to implement a health pass as required by France, Italy and other European countries.

A dangerous trend

In France, some young people have expressed their intention to intentionally contract the coronavirus to avoid being vaccinated if they are cured and thus skip the mandatory health pass.

The device is contested by the French anti-pass or anti-vaccination, who launched new calls to demonstrate this weekend.  On July 31, more than 200,000 people marched in various cities in France, according to the Interior Ministry.
The device is contested by the French anti-pass or anti-vaccination, who have launched new calls to demonstrate this weekend. On July 31, more than 200,000 people marched in various cities in France, according to the Interior Ministry.

“At worst, he ties me to my bed for a few days, at best I have no symptoms,” a 20-year-old youngster quoted “FranceInfo” on Wednesday.

A 25-year-old told the newspaper “Le Figaro” that he no longer used his mask and that he was less likely to wash his hands to get infected and thus obtain a “sanitary pass”.

In this controversial vaccination test, negative test or past infection with the coronavirus, lies the key to having the QR code of the health passport, which will be compulsory from Monday to sit in restaurants, bars or make long-distance train trips.


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