The vaccination strategy is strengthened with the arrival of doses of Sputnik V and Pfizer – Telam


The vaccination plan in the country is progressing.  Photo: Alfredo Ponce.

The vaccination plan in the country is progressing. Photo: Alfredo Ponce.

The government’s strategy to fight the coronavirus in the country gathered three relevant announcements on Wednesday: Sputnik V will normalize its shipments of the second component this month; The first doses of Pfizer will arrive in Argentina in September and the vaccine combination has been approved by several laboratories, with the aim being to delay the expansion of the Delta variant.

The priority for the national authorities is for the population to complete the vaccination schedule as soon as possible and thus benefit from the best immunological protection. possible during the last quarter of the year and before the Delta variant has community traffic in the territory.

The arrival of more doses

This Wednesday the Sputnik V team guaranteed that this month “all temporary delays in the delivery of the second component of the vaccine will be fully resolved” because – he explained – he managed to increase his production capacity.

“Sputnik V has production agreements with manufacturers in 14 countries and will double its capacity in September thanks to the partnership with large companies such as the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine producer,” he said. it stated in a statement. published by the Russian team.

In addition, the government has announced that from September, the first doses of the vaccine manufactured by Pfizer, approved for pediatric use and with a high level of effectiveness against the Delta variant, will arrive in the country.

The presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini assured that between September and December “the delivery of the 20 million doses” agreed with Pfizer should be completed., in an agreement sealed weeks ago, and that new shipments will arrive from other drug companies as well.

With this volume, it is expected that not only will it be possible to advance in the vaccination schedules of preadolescents and adolescents, with or without co-morbidities, but also that Argentina can be preserved for longer from the impact of the Delta variant. , the most contagious in the world today. .

In this scenario, the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, has ratified that this month the application of the second dose to the “majority of the population” will be completed and he hopes that in this way the Argentines will be “much more protected”.

The Sputnik V team guaranteed that this month "all temporary delays in the delivery of the second vaccine component will be fully resolved"

The Sputnik V team guaranteed that this month “all temporary delays in the delivery of the second component of the vaccine will be fully resolved.”

He said that “now” the Nation is facing the goal of “completing immunization schedules” and gave as an example the application of the modern vaccine for children aged 12 to 17 with prevalent diseases, which has started yesterday in several districts of the country. .

He also assured that the Government is “very satisfied and on the right track” with regard to the national plan for vaccination of the population against Covid-19 and to consider supporting the provinces in this regard.

“77% of the population over 18 already has at least one dose, the planning we did was adequate and yielded results”, insisted Cafiero and indicated that in the face of “fake news”, the government responded “bring and apply vaccines”.

The vaccine combination

The national plan to fight the Argentinian chapter of the pandemic summarized as a third ingredient official confirmation that vaccines from more than one laboratory can be combined Among people awaiting the application of a second dose, in a diet that will be primarily the over 50s with co-morbidities.

This was detailed during a joint conference offered by the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzoti, and her counterparts from the province of Buenos Aires, Nicols Kreplak, and the city of Buenos Aires, Fernn Quirs, after analyze the results of a vaccine combination study next to Cafiero.

The conference took place after the meeting with Santiago Cafiero.

The conference took place after the meeting with Santiago Cafiero.

In principle, the experiment will be carried out between the drugs of Sputnik V, Moderna and AstraZeneca for those who have to complete the vaccination schedule with a second request.

Although the possibility of receiving a different dose is “optional” and the presence of the Delta variant in the country is still “not predominant”, authorities noted that the vaccine combination “greatly enhances the immune response” against the coronavirus.

“If in Argentina we manage to contain these cases (of the Delta variant) for longer, we will be at a similar vaccination level as in England, with which we will have a different summer or spring,” predicted the former minister. of Health and second candidate for the post of national deputy of the province of Buenos Aires of the Front de Todos, Daniel Gollan.

Also, the chief of staff of the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, Salvador Giorgi, validated this hypothesis, celebrated the conjugation of vaccines and assured that this strategy “gives promising results” in the world.

As part of the general health plan, Vizzotti has also confirmed that 1.5 million Moderna vaccines will begin to be distributed this Thursday to each of the 24 jurisdictions to “speed up” the vaccination plan.

He even mentioned the authorities’ expectation that “coverage is assured” with two applications in Argentina for 60% of people over 50, according to an official projection which establishes that 2.3 million doses to achieve this goal. .

“We have the aspiration to go beyond this milestone”, assured the minister in this regard.

On Tuesday, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Richmond laboratory announced that Argentina will have three million doses of the second component this month. and that this week the first 150,000 products in the country will be put into circulation.

The 150,000 doses produced in Argentina have already been tested at the Gamaleya center and “have successfully passed quality control”, they stressed.

The information also revealed that the Richmond laboratories “will be able to produce more than 3 million doses of the second component of the Sputnik V vaccine by August”.

“We are going to make a quantitative leap by completing the schemes, which is very important given the arrival of the Delta variant,” said Nicolini.


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