The Vatican, against the theories of gender and polyamor


"Man and woman he created them" points to the field of education

ROME.- In a document intended to cope with the "urgency" of the ideology of


in the field of education, the


For the first time, he used the term "polyamor" by reiterating his rejection of theories of gender, which include this type of relationship, as well as the "utopia" of the neutral.

"The duality of the couple is also in conflict with the" polyamor "which includes more than two people, so the duration of the link – and its binding nature – is structured as a variable according to the desire of many people, with consequences on the level of sharing responsibilities and obligations inherent to motherhood and paternity, "says the new document.

Titled "It Created It", the document – 31 pages and 55 paragraphs – was prepared by the Congregation for Catholic Education, headed by Italian Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, signed last February by him and his secretary, Archbishop Angelo Zani, the text was prepared after several bishops expressed their concern about the rise of gender issues and its impact on Catholic schools and universities .

"We are increasingly aware that we are facing a real and specific educational emergency, especially with regard to affectivity and baduality issues," says the document at the beginning. "In many cases, they have been structured and proposed educational pathways that convey a conception of the person and life that is supposedly neutral, but which in reality reflect an anthropology that is contrary to faith and right reason," he added. there.

The document underlines "the anthropological disorientation" that characterizes our time and affirms that this "has helped to deconstruct the family, with the tendency to cancel the differences between men and women, considered as the simple effects of cultural and historical conditioning. ".

"In embarking on the path of gender dialogue in education, it is necessary to keep in mind the difference between the gender ideology and the different gender research carried out by women and men. human sciences, "he said. "It is in relation to these surveys that it is possible to open up to listen, reason and propose."

The document emphasizes however that there are "meeting points" between the Christian vision – that only love between men and women is possible – and research on gender. One of them is the respect of each person "in his particular and different state, so that no one, because of his personal conditions (handicap, origin, religion, affective tendencies), can be a victim of harbadment, violence, insults and discrimination, unfair. "


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