The Vatican Apostolic Nuncio is the subject of an investigation for sexual violence | Chronic


The Apostolic Nuncio to France, the Cardinal Luigi Ventura, is currently under investigation for alleged badual badault on a worker in the city of Paris, according to the French newspaper Le Monde Friday.

The investigations were opened on January 24, after the mayor's office reported the facts to the prosecutor's office. That of the whistleblower took place during a ceremony that took place at City Hall and attended by the 74 year old Vatican Nuncio. for a decade.

Other French media and CNN have cited judicial sources that have confirmed the investigation against Ventura. The facts denounced allegedly occurred on January 17 at a protocol meeting between the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgoand civil, diplomatic and religious authorities in the arcade hall of the municipality.

The alleged events occurred during the traditional reception of the new year in the diplomatic corps offered by Mayor Anne Hidalgo on 17 January. In this act, the Vatican nuncio usually plays a special role as the dean of the country's diplomatic corps.

All media said their sources asked not to be identified because they were not allowed to make statements in public.


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