The Vatican closes the institute founded by the priest Salteño Agustín Rosa, denounced for abuse


With a decree dated June 18, 2019, the Vatican suspended the Institute of the Disciples of Jesus of San Juan Bautista of Salta. Created and directed by the priest Agustín Rosa, accused of badual abuse, the congregation could also be the subject of an investigation for links with the leader of the Mexican narco El Chapo Guzmán, revealed in a note. of:

The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Holy See, appointed apostolic delegate for the execution of the suspension of Fray Carlos Alfonso Azpiroz Costa, Archbishop of Bahía Blanca.

On May 11, 2015, the Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina, asked for the intervention for receiving serious complaints about various aspects of the life of the Salteño Institute, reports the AICA, the Catholic news agency.

After evaluating things and examining the surveys already carried out, on July 17, 2015, the Congregation decided appoint a papal commissioner for the Institute, in the person of Bishop Luis T. Stöckler, Bishop Emeritus of Quilmes. Then, on July 1, 2017, the Holy See appointed Msgr. Martín de Elizalde, new pontifical commissioner, bishop emeritus of the Ninth of July.

"The two papal commissioners have heard the founder, the members of the Institute, the bishops concerned and those who have been in some way in contact with the Institute, "said AICA.

The document stresses that all documentation has been subject of in-depth study and consideration by the Apostolic See. "The congregation has examined all the reports, the behavior of the founder and many members, has also badyzed the difficulties encountered in the human and spiritual formation of the members and has taken into account the highly compromised institutional situation. possible solutions and need to act urgently to protect the good of people and avoid more damage to the ecclesial community and the consecrated life, "he explains.

At the end of this itinerary, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, in accordance with can. 584 of the Code of Canon Law, issued the decree organize the deletion of the Religious Institute of Diocesan Law Brothers Disciples of Jesus of St. John the Baptist. Said can. establishes that it is the exclusive attribution of the Holy See which removes an institute and disposes of its badets, but does not specify the reasons for the closure of the congregation founded by Rosa.

The document adds that, given the delicacy and complexity of the case, so that everything is done with justice and charityTo implement the decision, he appointed as delegate of Pope Carlos Alfonso Azpiroz Costa, Archbishop of Bahía Blanca, "with all the necessary and appropriate powers to carry out his task in accordance with the canonical norms".

"These provisions have been specifically approved for the holy father June 18, 2019, "concludes the cable from the Catholic News Agency.


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