The Vatican exposes in its original version the marble staircase by which Jesus ascended during his trial


The "Sacred stairs" Rome is one of the most admired points of Catholics because, according to the Church, it is the same for which Jesus ascended during his trial before they ordered him to be crucified. Located in a building near the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, it brings together hundreds of faithful who approach on their knees and in silence. And now, the religious authorities have announced a news that has left everyone stunned. For the first time in 300 years, They will expose the 28 marble steps without wood protection I covered them. This is to say in its original version.

"During sixty days we can walk with our knees and touch the marble on which Jesus walked himself in the courtroom where he was judged by Pontius Pilate, "said Fr. Francesco Guerra, rector of the Pontifical Shrine of" Sacred Stairs ".

The staircase has been restored over the past two years and was blessed for its inauguration by Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Angelo De Donatis, who sprinkled holy water with a hyssop.

For the first time in 300 years, Catholics will be able to walk on the original marble of the
For the first time in 300 years, Catholics will be able to walk on the original marble of "sacred stairs". Credit: EFE

According to Catholic tradition, Jesus climbed this ladder to the Praetorian palace in Jerusalem, where he was sentenced to death. Then she was transferred to Rome in 326 AD by order of St. Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine who, in 313, legislated under the Milan decree to legitimize Christianity and make it the official religion of the Empire after centuries of persecution.

At first, the staircase was located in an entrance outside the Lateranense Palace, pontifical seat before the Vatican. But in 1589, Sixtus V ordered to build a specific building to protect it, for its great veneration among the faithful.

The exhibition will last two months. Credit: AP
The exhibition will last two months. Credit: AP

Over time, the "sacred stairs" have become in a must for Catholics who go on a pilgrimage to Romat. The majority kneels on their knees to obtain forgiveness for their sins.

From this Thursday and for two months, they can also do it walk on the original marblesince the walnut slats, which had protected it since 1723, were removed for restoration.

Believers raise the
Believers climb on the "Holy Ladder" on their knees to receive forgiveness for their sins. Credit: AP

What most attracted the attention of this staircase, it is precisely the form acquired by the marble, deformed by the pbadage of thousands and thousands of faithful during these years, to the point that the stone some steps are perforated.

According to Catholic tradition, this staircase is the one that Jesus mounted during his trial. Credit: EFE
According to Catholic tradition, this staircase is the one that Jesus mounted during his trial. Credit: EFE


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