The Vatican exposes the marble staircase that Jesus mounted during his trial


The 28 steps that thousands of faithful go on their knees every day in Rome are now shown without the wood that protected them

Climbing the sacred stairs on your knees in silence is a tradition practiced by all who come to Rome and pbad through the Vatican.

The same, which according to tradition has increased Jesus Christ to judge, is now shown, for the first time, without the wood that protected them, in its most original state.

"For sixty days we can walk on our knees and touch the marble on which Jesus walked himself in the Praetorian palace where he was judged by Pontius Pilate," said Fr Francesco Guerra, rector of the Pontifical Shrine of the "Saints". stairs".

This one A marble staircase of 28 steps was transported from Jerusalem to Rome during the reign of Emperor Constantine, according to a legend, before being covered in 1723 with wood to protect it from the wear and tear caused by the pilgrims.

According to Catholic tradition, Jesus climbed this ladder to the Praetorian palace in Jerusalem, where he was sentenced to death. Then, the They settled in Rome in 326 AD by order of St. Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine who, in 313, legitimized Christianity through Christianity and made it the official religion of the Empire after centuries of persecution.

At first, the staircase was located in an entrance outside the Lateranense Palace, pontifical seat before the Vatican. But in 1589, Sixtus V ordered to build a specific building to protect it, for its great veneration among the faithful.

The staircase has been restored over the past two years, revealing some of its best kept secrets. He was blessed by Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Angelo De Donatis, who sprinkled holy water with a hyssop.

The protection was briefly removed in 1950 for cleaning, and since that marble staircase, supposed to be defiled by the blood of Christ on the eleventh step, had not seen the light again.

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