The Vatican qualifies the kind of ideology and accuses it of annihilating the nature


"We are increasingly aware that we are facing a real educational emergency, especially in matters of affectivity and baduality ", says the Vatican.

The document, bearing the signature of the Italian cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, states that "the educational mission is faced with the challenge that comes in different forms of an ideology, generically called gender, which denies the difference and the natural reciprocity of men and women".

"This ideology presents a society without gender differences and empties the anthropological foundation of the family, educational projects and legislative guidelines that promote a radically disconnected personal identity and emotional intimacy of biological diversity between men and women, "he said.

According to the Holy See, "baduality darkens as a structuring qualification of male and female identity." The attempt to overcome the constitutive difference between men and women, as in interbaduality or transgender, leads to male and female ambiguity. feminine which presupposes in a contradictory way the badual difference which is supposed to deny or conquer ".


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