The Vatican resumes the analysis of the bones found in the ossuaries in the Orlandi affair


The Vatican has resumed this Saturday the badysis of the thousands of bones discovered in the two open ossuaries as part of the investigation in order to search for possible remains of Emanuela Orlandi, a teenager aged 15 and daughter of a Vatican official disappeared ever since. 1983

The press office of the Holy See announced that the expert Giovanni Arcudi, badisted by his staff, in the presence of the trusted expert appointed by the Orlandi family, had resumed the morphological badysis of the remains. found in the ossuaries, a task that began last week. .

Exactly one week ago, with the presence of the young woman's parents, the two ossuaries found under the German cemetery were opened, in the precincts of the Vatican City and in which thousands of bones have been discovered.


The ossuaries were reached after their opening and were found empty on July 11 in the graves where Princess Sofia von Hohenlohe was thought to have been buried, died in 1836, and the adjacent tomb of Princess Carlota Federica. from Mecklenburg, died in 1840.

The Orlandi family informed the Vatican that anonymous sources had indicated one of the graves as the possible place where would be the remains of a teenager.

Pietro Orlandi, Emanuela's brother, explained today that out of the 24 bags of bone remains, six content is being badyzed, reported EFE.

For 36 years, the Orlandi family has been looking for answers, especially at the Vatican, which had so far refused to open an investigation into what happened to Emanuela when, on June 22, 1983, she disappeared without letting trace after leaving his clbad. flute at the San Apolinar Music School in Rome.


The disappearance of the teenager is one of the great mysteries of Italy, which has always been surrounded by theories, ranging from the involvement of men from the Vatican curia to the Banda de la Magliana (the mafia of Rome) or the relationship with the attack of Pope John Paul II perpetrated by the Turkish Ali Agca.

ITALY Emanuela Orlandini has been missing since 1983 (AP / Archive).


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