The Vatican will investigate whether Emanuela Orlandi, the missing woman in 1983, is in a grave – 04/10/2019


The Vatican has opened for the first time an investigation into the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee disappeared in 1983 at the request of the family.

This was confirmed by family lawyer Laura Sgro, who explained that she had asked the Vatican for information about one of the graves found in the German cemetery inside the papal state, but also be able to listen to certain people and copy documents.

Sgro pointed out that although the Secretary of State has authorized the opening of an investigation, she does not yet know to which of these requests the Vatican will accede.

In the German cemetery, inside the Vatican, there is a grave with a statue of an angel holding a leaf with the Latin text

In the German cemetery, inside the Vatican, there is a grave with the statue of an angel holding a sheet with the Latin text "Requiescat in pace" (rest in peace). Will Emanuela be buried there?

"After 36 years, finally, the Vatican officially investigates Regarding the disappearance of my sister, let's hope that the moment of truth and justice for Emanuela will come, "Pietro Orlandi told the Italian media, noting that for the first time, there had been a collaboration.

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In March, the Orlandi family asked Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin for the opening and information of one of the graves in the German cemetery inside the pontifical state. After last summer, they received an anonymous letter with a photo of the grave with the phrase "Find where the angel says".

Emanuela, aged 15, disappeared on June 22, 1983, when she left the music school of San Apolinar, in the center of Rome, but since then, no one knows where she is. (AP).

Emanuela, aged 15, disappeared on June 22, 1983, when she left the music school of San Apolinar, in the center of Rome, but since then, no one knows where she is. (AP).

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According to Sgró, after some investigations, it was discovered that the grave was open at least once and that The data of the statue are different from those of the slab.

The grave is in the German cemetery, inside the Vatican walls, where was once Nero's pretended circus, place of martyrdom of many early Christians and eventually became the property of a German foundation.

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In this cemetery, lying on one of the walls, you will find a statue of an angel holding a sheet with the Latin text "Requiescat in pace", while on the gravestone is a funeral inscription dedicated to Princess Sofia and Prince Gustav von Hohenlohe, who was appointed in 1857 Archbishop by Pope Pius IX.

Demonstration in 2012 at the Vatican to ask Emanuela Orlandi. The steps are repeated each year (AP).

Demonstration in 2012 at the Vatican to ask Emanuela Orlandi. The steps are repeated each year (AP).

The Orlandi case, the 15-year-old girl who disappeared on June 22, 1983 leaving the San Apolinar Music SchoolIn the center of Rome, and since then, he has never been taught where he was, he has always been surrounded by mystery because of the existence of several theories about the involvement of his family. men of the Vatican Curia, a the magliana group (the mafia of Rome) or the attack on John Paul II in the hands of the Turkish Ali Agca.

The Vatican will investigate the disappearance of Emanuela for the first time in 36 years.

The Vatican will investigate the disappearance of Emanuela for the first time in 36 years.

The family has been trying for years to find clues about what happened and already in 2012 she asked for an investigation after the discovery of unidentified bone remains. next to the grave in the Basilica of San Apolinar of Enrico De Pedis, responsible for the "Banda de la Magliana", the mafia of Rome in the 70s and 80s.

The hint that someone ordered the group to kidnap Orlandi was one of the badumptions evaluated during the investigation, especially after De Pedis's girlfriend, Sabrina Minardi. , admit that the girl was kidnapped under the direction of the American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, then director of the Institute of Religious Works (IOR, better known as the Vatican Bank) "to warn someone".

EFE Agency.



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