The vegan who reported rape to chickens by roosters "attacks" again | Chronic


Referees at the Vegan Souls Animal Sanctuary woke up the controversy in the networks after defending their position of separating the roosters from the hens so that they would not be violated. With another video, an activist said that "To fish is to kill" referring to practice in the context of the "oppressive capitalist system" who turns animals into "simple commercial products".

"The fishing rod is a deadly weapon"began the young woman who also called "Murderers" to fishermen because fishing "It's not a sport."

He thought what's going on with these types of animals is "Speciesism"a discriminatory modality in which they establish differences by species; and that they be treated as if they had no nervous system or were not feeling "pain".

In this sense, he argued that people "They do not need to eat animals or use them" dress, as well as "experimentation or leisure".

I read AS WELL: Vegans separate chicken roosters to prevent them from being violated

Almas Veganas, located in Girona, Spain, is making a splash on social media for his statement on separating chickens from roosters to prevent them from being raped. "If we can understand the violation as abuse or non-consensual and violent bad, we can deduce that the chicken does not want to be ridden because he is trying to escape and that he is also hurt by the spurs of the roosters ", said one of the references of a video broadcast on Twitter.

I read AS WELL: "Roosters do not violate chickens", the tough answer to vegans

This statement sparked sharp criticism, including that of a young fowl, who interviewed Vegan Souls with another controversial recording in which he stated that "The roosters do not break the chickens" because they are able to "lay eggs alone".


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