The Venezuelan Justice ordered to arrest Leopoldo López at the residence of the Spanish ambassador


A court in Venezuela ordered this Thursday stop the antichavista leader Leopoldo López, who It is located in the residence of the ambbadador of Spain in Caracas for two days. The leader of the party was released Tuesday by soldiers of the same family as Juan Guaidó. Since then, he has taken refuge so as not to be caught.

The court of first instance execution of the judicial district of the metropolitan region of Caracas revocation of Lopez's house arrest by "flagrantly violate it", in addition to the violation of" the measure mentioned in the condition relating to political positions by conventional and non-conventional means, national and international, demonstrating with it the non-subjection to the measures ".

"The court, in its decision, launches an arrest warrant against citizen Leopoldo López, the National Intelligence Service Bolivarian (Sebin)," said the Supreme Court of Justice in a statement.

The TSJ has issued an arrest warrant against the Bolivian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) to capture López and serve the sentence of 13 years in prison. The text recalls that Lopez has already served five years and two months of punishment.

Guaidó and López during the demonstrations Tuesday. Photo: EFE.
Guaidó and López during the demonstrations Tuesday. Photo: EFE.

López is at the embbady of Spain with his wife, Lilian Tintori and his 15 month old daughter. The three are housed in the residence of the Spanish ambbadador, Jesús Silva Fernández.

Spain has granted citizenship to López's parents and other family members. Despite the arrest warrant, the property is an inviolable territorylike embbadies and consulates, the chief should not be stopped there.

The release points out that it is "a public, notorious and communicative violation by Leopoldo López of the measure of house arrest, appearing and declaring themselves in the mbad media" after his release.


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