The Venezuelan opposition demanded more support from Argentina: “Alberto Fernández is victimizing Maduro and it harms his role in the region”


Julio Borges spoke about Alberto Fernández’s attitude on the situation in Venezuela

“The program is called ‘Hermanos’ because Venezuela has always been a sister to those in need, and now we are seeking solidarity from the governments of the region amid a wave of xenophobia against Venezuelans,” said Julio Borges said during the presentation. of the new platform, which will benefit from the support of more than 600 civil organizations around the world.

Juan Guaidó’s external relations commissioner asked for regional support and identified Argentina’s case as one of the most problematic. For the adversary, the government of Alberto Fernández addresses the Venezuelan question of a “right vs. left. ”“ This is unacceptable, ”Borges said.

Alberto Fernández and Nicolás Maduro
Alberto Fernández and Nicolás Maduro

“President Fernández had an ambivalent, not to say contradictory, speech: he accepted the violation of human rights, condemned and firmly accepted the report of the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, but at the same time victimized Maduro for the sanctions ”Borges said at a press conference ahead of Infobae’s request.

“What Fernández must understand is that the sanctions are the consequence of the enormous destruction of the regime, of its corruption and of organized crime,” he insisted. He assured that “claiming that the crisis is framed in a problem of forums in Puebla or forums in São Paulo does not want to see what is happening in terms of drug trafficking, corruption, destruction of dignity, and c ‘unacceptable”. “Fernández is carried away by visions that are neither humanitarian nor political when he makes decisions such as leaving the Lima group,” he added.

On March 24, Argentina announced that it would leave the Lima Group, the regional bloc that denounces the human rights violations of Nicolás Maduro. The permanence of Argentina was one of the sources of conflict within Fernández’s party since the sector linked to Vice-President Cristina Kirchner, and linked to the government of Nicolás Maduro, openly demanded abandonment.

Alberto Fernández received Maduro's Minister of Communications, Jorge Rodríguez, for his presidential inauguration on December 10, 2019.
Alberto Fernández received Maduro’s Minister of Communications, Jorge Rodríguez, for his presidential inauguration on December 10, 2019.

Borges assured that a wave of xenophobia and denounced “a political use of Venezuelan migration”. As an example, he cited the situation in Peru where he said migrants suffer persecution. In fact, He condemned the fact that the promise to expel Venezuelans is part of the presidential campaign for the elections this Sunday.

Borges explained that ‘Brother’ program was born to help the more than 5.4 million Venezuelans who have left the country. Seeks Colombia and the United States to become the benchmark and more countries to adopt temporary protection statuses. “The best humanitarian policy is Maduro’s departure, but while we fight for that we want to help the millions of Venezuelans who are outside the country,” Explain.

The program will have three phases: “First, we want to promote public policy proposals in favor of Venezuelans, a second phase will have a technological platform that will be at the service of migrants in which we will offer consular services, useful information for our diaspora. and include social organizations that work for the care of Venezuelans. And in the last phase, what we want is to awaken a feeling of reciprocity towards our brothers, so we will develop a campaign to highlight the image of Venezuelans in the world, highlighting the contributions that thousands of our compatriots bring ”.

“Hermano” already has a cat – +57 3053866210 – in operation to help the diaspora in their consular procedures and operates with the help of 600 civil organizations and more than 40 opposition embassies around the world.

According to UNHCR, there are already more than 5.4 million Venezuelan migrants, although Borges believes the numbers are exponentially higher (Reuters)
According to UNHCR, there are already more than 5.4 million Venezuelan migrants, although Borges believes the numbers are exponentially higher (Reuters)

The objective is that migrants can access advantages such as identification for 10 years in host countries, improvement of their working conditions, access to services such as health, education , food and social programs. “What we are asking is that governments recognize the expired passports of Venezuelans, give them work permits so that they stop being slaves, that they recognize them as refugees, as victims of a conflict, and that they facilitate the validation of documents and the university. degrees», He detailed.

The opponent explained that it is a tool that will allow him to maintain two simultaneous struggles, “for political change and for the millions of unprotected Venezuelans”.

Finally, Borges affirmed for all those who want to listen to him, and in particular for the governments of the region: “Maduro is at the head of a bankrupt dictatorial state linked to organized crime”.


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