The Venezuelan opposition rejected the proposal to include Alex Saab as representative of the Maduro regime in the dialogue process


The representative of the opposition bloc in the dialogue process, Gerardo Blyde (PHOTO: EFE)
The representative of the opposition bloc in the dialogue process, Gerardo Blyde (PHOTO: EFE)

The Venezuelan opposition, led by Juan Guaidó, rejected the demand of the dictatorship of the country of integrate Alex Saab in the dialogue process in Mexico.

For the bloc opposed to the Maduro regime, the proposal presented by the President of Parliament Jorge Rodríguez is contrary to the standards established for the process.

“The announcement of the incorporation request made today, corresponds to a strategy of defense of the regime before the judicial process between two countries with separation of powers and democracy, whose judicial bodies are following an extradition procedure, ”the opposition bloc said in a statement.

Opposition delegates They ratified their pledge to move talks forward in an attempt to resolve the grave crisis that the country lives.

In the text, They call on the Kingdom of Norway to facilitate compliance by the regime delegation with the agreed reserve rules that govern the process. “Transforming this process into a war of microphones or a debate in the media is doing a lot of damage to the negotiations and our delegation has always avoided doing it in accordance with these standards”, indicates the text.

Dialogue between the regime and the opposition began in August
Dialogue between the regime and the opposition began in August

The press release recalls that This is not the first time that a management of this type has been attempted in a dialogue process: “There are precedents, such as the case of the guerrilla Juvenal Ovidio Ricardo Palmera Pineda, alias ‘Simón Trinidad’, which the FARC incorporated, in order to free him, in the Colombian delegation for the peace negotiations.”

“It didn’t work, it could never be incorporated. We are not going to be distracted from our central agenda of the process in Mexico: Venezuelans need a comprehensive agreement that gives us back democracy and the possibility of emerging from the immense social, economic and political crisis which affects us all ”, concludes the manifesto.


The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, on Tuesday proposed the incorporation of the special envoy of the regime of Nicolás Maduro, Alex Saab, at the negotiating table with the opposition taking place in Mexico, in a new maneuver to try to avoid his extradition to the United States.

The President of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, proposed the incorporation of Alex Saab in the month of negotiations
The President of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, proposed the incorporation of Alex Saab in the month of negotiations

In statements from the Federal Legislative Palace, Rodríguez also indicated that they wanted Saab be a member of the National Council of Social Services.

Alex Saab, leader of the Venezuelan dictator, is held in Green cap.

“He is kidnapped in violation of the Vienna Convention because he is a duly accredited diplomat, without a warrant for his arrest, without the right to due process, ”Rodríguez said.

Soon they will advise Norway, Russia and the The Netherlands on the decision to include it at the negotiating table.


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