The Viagra of the Himalayas; the mushroom that is worth the gold (Video)


Many of the foods we know have aphrodisiac effects but, Have you heard of the properties of yarsagumba? According to legend, some farmers carried their yaks in the spring to graze in the Himalayan ranges, realizing that they were eating a plant that caused them an extra dose of energy and has seen their appetite increase in privacy.

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Bliss plant was nothing more than yarsagumba which did not [nisnothingmoreandnothinglessthanamushroomknownas viagra of the Himalayas whose myth about its pharmacological and aphrodisiac properties remains to this day a mushroom that grows between 3,000 and 5,000 meters high in the Himalayan regions.


His fame was transferred to the frontiers especially in 2001 when his collection was decriminalized, consequently carrying a boom in his sale which was also accompanied by 39, a super increase of ] price .

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It is a mushroom a little bigger than a pin and is generated in the body From a caterpillar without However, his collection on the slopes of the highest mountain range in the world endangers the lives of the people.

Despite his humble origin he became one of the most expensive foods in the world where a kilo of this food may cost about 100 thousand pesos.

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Its great value lies in the fact that for more than 500 years the Chinese traditional medicine attributed to yarsagumba effects endless pharmacological, among which in addition to cure impotence and increase the desire in private life its positive properties for the functioning of organs, the relief of stress or fatigue and even in the cancer treatment

  • yarsagumba
  • viagra of the Himalayas
  • aphrodisiac mushroom
  • the most expensive mushroom of the world

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