The video of Princess Ariane, daughter of Máxima de Holanda, become viral


Little is known about the daily life of Máxima de Holanda's daughters, Even if it already appeared that Alexia had a great pbadion for singing, fashion and even dreamed of becoming a model one day. This time, the news was the least heiress, Ariane. A viral video showed her practicing one of her favorite activities.

It is a film in which we could see the young woman riding a bike for her first day of clbad at the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Hague. Like any teenager, The princess walked without a bodyguard, very relaxed and with a big smile. The images did not take long to travel the world, after high expectations regarding the holidays of Argentina and her husband, King William, Greece. Criticism was issued when the monarchs would have spent more than 300,000 euros.

Ariadna rides a bike
Ariadna on the way to school.

These days of rest, they were interrupted by the death of Princess Cristina. The royal family was therefore forced to go back and forth from the destination in question. This updated budget guarantees Máxima and her husband 11 robberies; 10 of them were aircraft loaned by the government.

At Gymnasium Sorghvliet, it is the institute of the best of the region. His education is Christian (Protestant) and is public, only a voluntary contribution is required from parents. It offers its students the opportunity to learn Chinese, among other languages ​​such as German, Spanish and English. In addition, it gives its students the opportunity to attend introductory courses in various specialties of the Technical University of Delft, among others.

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